Chapter 19

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A/N I do not own the lovely Harry Potter  series sadly. Yes I think we all wish that owned or wrote the Harry Potter series. If I did own the series I would automatically have Draco and Hermione would have started dating in their 3rd year. Anyways lets enjoy some lovely food *Don't worry Ron is currently out to eat with his kids* and get on with the story.

*Time skip to a month later*

It is officially October and you know what that means Halloween is now officially approaching. So Headmistress McGongall asked the heads also known as Draco Malfoy and Hermione Snape told them to start planning for the Halloween Ball or also known as the fall ball. 

Anyways Draco and Hermione nodded their head at the professor and started planning as McGongall left the heads common room. "So honey of mine what should the theme of the Halloween Ball to be?" Draco asked his girlfriend Hermione.

Hermione thought about it for a minute and then the idea came to her smart brilliant mind, "How about a costume theme ball? Where everyone can dress in costumes." Hermione said to her boyfriend Draco. 

Draco absolutely loved the idea and he kissed Hermione on the lips for about 5 seconds. Anyways The continue giving out ideas like food, music, drinks, and etc. So once they finished they looked it over about five times to make sure everything looked good for professor McGongall's approval. 

Once Hermione and Draco finished looking over it they left their common room to see headmistress McGongall. While during their walk Draco and Hermione held hands and talked about how excited they were for the ball. 

Once Hermione and Draco arrived in front of the door of McGongall's office Hermione said the password which was lemon drops. When the door open Hermione and Draco walked upstairs to see McGongall. 

When they finally made it to the headmistress office Draco knocked on an another door just to be safe.  "You may enter." a voice came from the other side of the door. So the lovely heads walked in to the office. 

When the head boy and head girl came in the professor offered them a seat. So that's what Draco and Hermione did. McGongall looked at them and said, "So I'm guessing by your guys presence that you have finished planning the Fall ball?" 

Hermione and Draco nodded their heads and then Hermione said to her headmistress, "We just finished it like 15 minutes ago." Draco handed the plans/ideas to his professor so she can look at them and see if it was approved or not. 

When Headmistress McGongall looked at the plans she absolutely loved the theme. So she looked at the other things that the head boy and head girl came up with. Once when she finished reading it she signed her name at the bottom saying it was approved. 

McGongall gave Draco and Hermione the sheet of paper back and dismissed them. The couple thanked their headmistress and left her office. Draco and Hermione held hands once again, but Draco asked Hermione what she wanted do and her response was, "I want to see my friends in Gryffindor." and that is what they did. 

A/N I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing this for you guys. Let's just say that one out two holidays is coming up. Which is Halloween which I am very excited for because free candy like duh. Plus I get to dress up any character that I feel like have strong personality and attitude or as my strongest suit. Anyways I hope you have an amazing day and again I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. love you all. xoxoxoxo ~ Kyara A. 

Dramione Pic/GIF of the day: 

QOTD: What are you going to be for Halloween?

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QOTD: What are you going to be for Halloween?

AOTD: Usually I find out what I'm being for Halloween around January or February. This year however was not sure what I was going to be because I had a lot of options. So with the help of my Facebook friends and groups. They had the choices of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad, Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and finally Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. So with in the end my Facebook friends and groups have majority votes was Queen of Hearts. So this Halloween I will be the Queen of Hearts Helena Botham Carter version. 

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