Chapter 20

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A/N hey wonderful I do not own the wonderful Harry Potter series I'm sorry. Anyways if I did own the Wonderful Harry Potter books I would most likely have the Malfoys be spies like Snape was. Anyways lets get on the with chapter shall we?

Hermione and Draco were holding hands and were walking to the Gryffindor tower. Once Draco and Hermione made it to the Gryffindor tower there guarding the room was The Fat lady. "Password?" The Fat Lady asked the couple that was Hermione and Draco.

Hermione spoke to The Fat Lady and said to the portrait, "Well I don't know the password, but can you get either Harry Potter or Ginny Weasley?" then the Fat Lady nodded and went to find either Ginny or Harry.

Two minutes the portrait opened up and there stood Ginny Weasley and her boyfriend Harry Potter with big smiles on their faces. "Well are you two just going to stand there or actually come in?" Harry asked the couple that is Dramione.

So Draco and Hermione went inside and the portrait that is the Fat Lady closed behind them. Hermione and Draco went and sat down on one of the couches and started talking to Harry and Ginny who were sitting at the other couch that was across from them.

Hinny and Dramione all talked about their future double dates and maybe including Neville and Luna for some dates. Twenty minutes later into their conversation Ron Weasley came into the common room.

Ron said hi to his sister and his friend and then he saw HER AND HIM and he was absolutely furious. He looked at Hermione and said to her, "What the fuck are you doing here bitch?" Hermione looked at him and said to replied back, "I'm here talking to my friends."

Draco was very concerned about his girlfriend so he grabbed her hand for support. He felt Hermione squeezed his hand. "Well you shouldn't be here you fucking slut nobody loves you.Why don't you just run back to your foul greasy hair git you call your father." Ron said to Hermione.

That's when Draco got off the couch and started tackling Ron Weasley. Harry also helped Draco to beat up now is former best friend. Ginny went over to Hermione and started comforting her. Neville came downstairs because he heard yelling and screaming and then he saw it.

Draco and Harry were beating up Ron Weasley. "Whoa what the hell, Ginny what the hell is going on here?" Neville asked Ginny. Ginny looked at Neville and responded, "Ron was starting shit with Hermione by calling her a bitch. Hermione was fine until Ron called Hermione a slut and called her father a foul greasy hair git."

That's when Neville got angry and started helping Draco and Harry. Ginny and Hermione finally had it and told the boys to quit it and that's what they did. Neville decided to go get Professor McGongall and Professor Snape.

Draco and Harry went over to Ginny and Hermione and started comforting Hermione more. 15 minutes later Neville came in with McGongall and Snape behind him. Snape went to his daughter and saw his daughter in tears.

"Hermione sweetie tell me and McGongall what happened." Professor Snape said to his daughter. Hermione looked up and saw his father and the headmistress so she hugged her father tightly.

"Well Draco and Hermione were just talking to Ginny and Harry about future dates and everything and then Ronald came in. He called me a bitch which I didn't mind because I was squeezing's Draco's hand tightly. Then I told him I was talking to my friends and then he said to me that I shouldn't be here slut nobody loves you and that I should run to my foul greasy hair git of a father." Hermione said to her father.

Professor Snape and Headmistress McGongall were absolutely pissed at what Ron Weasley had said to Hermione Snape. "Mr. Weasley you have bought yourself 5 months of detention and your parents will be hearing about this." McGongall said to the youngest male Weasley.

Professor Snape looked at Ron and said to him, "150 points from Gryffindor for verbally abusing a student and teacher." Ron was absolutely pissed that he lost 150 points from his house and that he has 5 months worth of detention.

Snape looked at his daughter and gave her a big fatherly hug. "I love you sweet daughter of mine don't listen to that bastard of a student you are loved by me, Draco, your friends, your adoptive parents, and your godparents. everything will be okay trust me." Snape said to his daughter.

Hermione just hugged her father and listened to every word he said. "I love you too daddy your the best father a daughter could ask for." she said to him. Draco looked at his godfather and his girlfriend thinking to himself 'I should do something for Hermione and uncle Sev, but the question what should I do?'

A/N And that people is the end of the chapter so don't throw anything at me. *People throw Oreo's* Okay who the hell did that? Anyways I hope you enjoyed that chapter as much as I did. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/GIF of the day:

QOTD: Whats your Starbucks order?

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QOTD: Whats your Starbucks order?

AOTD: Mine is a Jiva chip Frappuccino and S'mores Frappuccino

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now