Chapter 2

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A/N I do not own Harry Potter, but I wish I did. I just own this damn plot sadly. If I did owned Harry Potter Fred, Snape, Dobby, Sirius, Lupin, and Tonks would be still alive. Anyways lets continue the story shall we?!?

When Hermione fell on the cold hardwood floor Jean, Paul, and Severus were in complete shock of what just what happened to poor Hermione. Hermione's 'father' Paul picked up Hermione and put Hermione on the other couch. 

Hermione waked up on the other couch 5 minutes remembering what happened before she fainted. She was confused and angry at the same time like who the hell abandons their daughter and treats her like living shit for half life.  

"So your my father then why have you been treating my life like a piece of shit along with Weasley, Ginny, and Harry?" Hermione said to her professor. Snape did feel bad for treating Hermione and her friends like living hell. 

Snape cleared his throat and said to his daughter, " I know your mad at me, but just listen to me out. The reason I was shitty to you and put you up for adoption was for your protection, because if the Dark Lord found out that I had a daughter he would of killed you on the spot along with me. Do you understand why I put you up for adoption?" 

Hermione was shocked of what she heard. Her own professor put her up for adoption because of her own safety. Hermione ran to her father as she was crying and hugged him then saying, "I totally forgive you what you did to me for putting me up for adoption for my own safety I love you dad." 

Severus was crying as she was saying those words to him. He was comforting his crying daughter saying thank you and being an easy forgiving daughter was. 

After to father and daughter moment Hermione and Severus were wiping any access tears that they had. "Would you like to start living with me starting today?" Snape said to his daughter. 

Hermione was shocked after what she heard but wasn't that shocked. She did however knew this was going to happen. She looked at her adoptive parents then back at her real father wondering if it was okay. 

Jean spoke after the awkward silence and said, "Hermione go its okay go spend the rest of the summer with your father. We would be fine and we will never forget you we promise." Hermione looked at her adoptive parents and gave them a hug. 

Hermione went into room and started packing her things. 'Well this is it.' she thought to herself. She started remembered all the good memories that she had here. 

After she finished packing she grabbed her trunk and her cat and started heading downstairs. She is hopefully that the Malfoy's would start treating her like a recent human being if she ever meets them in the near future.

As she made it downstairs and put her things down and walked to her adoptive parents. Hermione hugged them and said to them, "I promise every single week or every other week I will write to you both and that will be a promise." 

Paul and Jean hugged their adoptive daughter and then nodded their head okay. Snape cleared his throat and said to his daughter, "Is this everything." Hermione nodded her head yes. 

Hermione grabbed her trunk and her cat and went in the chimney with her father. Snape obliviously went first and grabbed some floo yelling 'SNAPE MANOR.'   

Hermione grabbed some more floo and did the exact same thing. When Hermione made it to her new house she kind of fell. Snape helped her up and then helped her grab her things. 

A/N I hope you like this chapter because it took me forever and its almost midnight just saying. Remember to vote and comment. I always look forward to your comments and I always reply back. Anyways be awesome. Have a wonderful day my fellow readers xoxoxo ~ Rockysgal97 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now