Chapter 34

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A/N: Hello my KyaraTheDisneyQueen do not own  the Harry Potter series.  I however do own the plot of this story. Let's continue this story shall we?!?

Hermione is now officially seven months pregnant and lets just say she actually hates it. The reason why she hates it is because, according to Madam Promfrey, a healer in St. Maungos, and Head Mistress McGonagall said that she is on strict bed rest until the baby is born. 

Hermione was mad of course for a few minutes until McGonagall said that Narcissa also known as Hermione's Godmother will take care of her while Draco is in classes and until Hermione's baby is born.  Which of course made a mad Hermione into a happy Hermione and was thankful that Narcissa was going take care of Hermione.

Draco got up and found his girlfriend laying down in the urge that she needed to pee. So Draco got up out of his side of the bed and helped his girlfriend to the bathroom. When the couple got the bathroom Hermione went in and did her business. 

Ten minutes later when Hermione was doing her business, Draco helped his girlfriend to the common room. Hermione carefully sat on the couch with the help of her boyfriend and started to relax. Once Hermione was comfortable Draco summoned a house elf to bring himself and Hermione. 

The house elf nodded his head and went to the Hogwarts kitchen to get the couple breakfast. Two minutes later the house elf popped back with a tray of breakfast for the couple and put the tray on the coffee table and left. 

After the couple finished eating Draco started getting for school for the day. Hermione just relaxed and watched her boyfriend get ready for the day. Fifteen minutes later Draco finished getting ready and sat back down on the couch waiting for his mom to get here at the school, since Draco had 10 minutes to get to class. 

Narcissa finally arrived to start taking care of her goddaughter. Draco thanked his mother and gave Hermione a kiss goodbye and left. Narcissa sat down by Hermione and the godmother and goddaughter started talking to each other, about what kind of birth that Hermione is going to do. 

After 15 minutes of discussing of the plan of birth, Hermione decided to do a water birth in the heads dorm bathroom. Narcissa agreed and she would inform her husband Lucius and Hermione's adoptive parents, today so they know for ahead of time. 

Later in the day Hermione got a visitor from Madam Promfrey to see how the baby is doing and hearing Hermione what kind of birth she is having. "Well your baby girl is all healthy and doing great. So Miss. Snape what kind of birth are you planning on having?" Madam Promfrey said to Hermione. 

Hermione looked at Madam Promfrey and said to her, "Well Narcissa had a 15 minute discussion and we both thought a water birth would be best here in head dorms." Madam Promfrey nodded her head and then said to Hermione, "Okay I'll let the healer at St. Maungos and McGonagall know." 

Hermione nodded her head and continued to relax, while Narcissa went to the owlery to send Lucius and Hermione's adoptive parents to let them know that Hermione is doing a water birth. Twenty minutes later Narcissa came back with a tray full of food for her and Hermione. 

The two girls ate their lunch while talking about plans for Lyra when she is born. During their conversation Severus Snape and Draco came into the Heads dorm to see how Hermione is doing. "Hey princess how are you feeling today?" Severus asked his daughter who was eating a hamburger.  

Hermione looked at her father and Draco and said to him, "I'm doing good today, Narcissa and I have talked about what kind of birth plan were doing when the time comes." Draco and Severus smiled knowing that Hermione was okay. 

Draco looked at Hermione and said to her, "Well honey what kind of birth plan are you doing?" Hermione  smiled at him and said, "We decided to do a water birth here in the heads dorm." Draco and Severus smiled and gave Hermione a hug and they continued talking about the birth plan and when Lyra is born.

A/N That my people is the end of this lovely chapter for you lovely readers. I hope you loved this chapter, as it did take me forever to write this chapter for you all.  The birth of Lyra Malfoy will be either the next chapter or chapter 36. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A. 

Dramione Pic/GIF/Video of the day: 

QOTD: Your favorite sent?!?

AOTD: Vanilla  

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