Chapter 12

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A/N I do not own the wonderful the Harry Potter Series sadly. Anyways If I did own it Draco and Hermione would have wonderful cute kids just saying. Anyways shall we continue the story? Yes? Okay we we go then my fellow readers start reading now. 

Draco woke up and saw that they were at Hogwarts. He was beyond excited that they were at Hogwarts. Then he remembered that he had a sleeping girlfriend in his lap. 

He looked down at Hermione and saw that it was time for her to wake up. "Hey Hermione baby wake up." He said to Hermione. Hermione slowly woke up and saw that her boyfriend was smiling at her.

Hermione smiled back at her boyfriend and kissed him. Draco chuckled and said to Hermione, "Had a nice nap Sleeping Beauty?" Hermione giggled and nodded her head yes at him. "What about you my Prince Charming?" Hermione asked him.

Draco nodded his head yes to her. They quickly changed clothes and then headed to find Ginny and Harry. They found Harry and Ginny and they said hey and got on the carriage that had Neville and Luna sitting in it. 

"Hello Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Draco." Luna said to the four. They all said hello to Luna. Anyways the carriage ride to Hogwarts was not that akward actually. They talked about what they did over the summer and talking about future triple dates. 

When they arrived at Hogwarts the exited the carriages and went inside. All of them went to the great hall so they can see the first years get sorted into their houses. Hermione on the other hand had to sit at the teacher table by her dad so she can get resorted after the first years. 

While the first years were getting sorted Hermione was beyond scared. The reason why she was scared was because she wants to be in both houses. She knew that she had to be in one house and one house only. 

She wants to be in Slytherin with her boyfriend Draco, but then again she wants to be in Gryffindor with her friends. Either way her boyfriend and friends would still be happy of which house she'll be in. 

After the last first year got sorted Hermione knew it was her turn to get resorted to her true house. "Now fellow Hogwarts students we have to resort one student and that student is Hermione Snape also known as Hermione Granger." Headmistress McGongall said to the students.

Hermione walked at least 3 feet to the stool followed by her father behind her. Hermione sat on the stool while her father professor Snape put the sorting hat on her. 

Once the sorting hat was on her it made her feel like she was 11 years old again. After a 4 and a half minute wait the hat had finally had an answer. The sorting hat screamed out loud "SLYTHERIN!!" Hermione was happy that she gets to be a Slytherin with her boyfriend.

Her father was proud too that his only daughter was a Slytherin. He hugged his daughter being really excited. Her robes and tie has offically changed to Slytherin colors while she was walking to her boyfriend.

The weirdest thing that happened after she sorted to Slytherin house was the Gryffindors were cheering for her. She thought in her mind that Harry or Ginny told the entire house expect for Ron to cheer for her. 

When Hermione got to the Slytherin table she sat right by her boyfriend Draco Malfoy. She leaned her head on his shoulder not caring if people were looking at her or not. McGongall also announced that Draco and Hermione are this years heads.

Draco put some food on his plate and Hermione's plate. Hermione was shocked that Draco has done this for her. She kissed him and then thanked for being such a classy gentleman. 

After dinner it was time for everybody to go to their houses expect for Hermione and Draco. The reason why the lovely couple didn't follow everybody else is because they had to follow the headmistress to the head dorms. 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now