Chapter 29

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A/N: Hey wonderful readers I have something to tell you all. I don't own the Harry Potter series sadly.  I think without it I think we have no life like at all. Anyways If I did own the story I would have Hermione hex the hell out of Umbridge in her 5th year. Anyways lets continue the story shall we?!?

Its the next day after Christmas and Hermione & Draco woke up together in each other's arms in Hermione's room at Snape Manor. The couple both smiled at each other while being their cute selves.

"Good morning my handsome man." Hermione said to her boyfriend. Draco just kissed her on the cheek and then said to her, "Good morning to you as well my beautiful lady." Hermione just blushed madly and kissed Draco.

Twenty minutes later the couple finally got out of bed they were sleeping the previous night. The couple got dressed in different rooms and then went downstairs together while holding each others hand.

When they finally arrived downstairs they both saw Hermione's adoptive parents, Hermione's dad Severus Snape, and Draco's parents sitting together talking to one another about the baby. Draco and Hermione silently sat down by each other hoping not to interrupt the adults talking.

"Oh good morning Hermione and Draco." Lucius Malfoy said to his goddaughter and son. Hermione bid good morning to all the adults in the room. Everyone in the dining room continued talking to each other about the baby and excited to meet baby Malfoy in the near future.

Severus looked at Draco and Hermione and said to them, "So have you both thought about what names your going to give your child?" that's when the couple looked at each other. They have thought of names last night.

"Well Uncle Severus we have decided on a boy's name, while we have a top 5 for girls." Draco said to his godfather. Narcissa looked at his son and said to him, "Well what names have you guys thought of."

Draco then said to his mother, "Well for a boy we decided for Scorpius, while for girls we have five names picked out which are Belle, Lyra, Rose, Ariel, and Elisabeth named after Hermione's mother."

Every adult in that room were in awe with the names that the couple came up with, especially Elisabeth. "Well those are pretty names for a girl and I love the name for the boy." Jean Granger said to the couple.

Hermione and Draco thanked Jean Granger for loving the names. Severus motioned his daughter to come in the kitchen so he can talk to her. Hermione did agree and followed her father to the kitchen.

When they finally went to the kitchen Hermione asked her dad, "So why did you want to talk to me dad?" Severus looked at his daughter, and said to her, "I just wanted to say thank you for thinking of your Mother's name for child." Hermione hugged her father and said welcome to him.

"You know you remind me of your mother more and more everyday." Severus said to his daughter. Hermione looked at him and said, "I do?!?" Severus nodded his head and continued saying, "Yea she was very smart like you and always thought of you while pregnant with you like you with this child."

Hermione started crying at the thought of her mom and hugged her father even more. "I miss mom, I bet she would be happy that she is having a grandchild." Hermione said to her father. Severus hugged his daughter and calmed her down.

"I miss your mom too honey, and I know your mom would be happy for having grandchild as well." Severus Snape said to his daughter. After Hermione and Draco had their talk the father and daughter duo sat back down in dining room and continued talking to the Grangers and the Malfoys.

A/N: That my wonderful people is the end of chapter 29. I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter as much I wrote this for you all. Okay now for some important talk. I want you all to pick a girl name as you write down your AOTD for Draco and Hermione to name their daughter. You all have till the 17th of this month to comment your answer. The choices are up above this A/N, but if you don't know them here are the choices: Elisabeth, Ariel, Belle, Lyra, and Rose. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A

Dramione Pic/GIF of the day:

QOTD: Favorite Quote from Harry Potter?!?

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QOTD: Favorite Quote from Harry Potter?!?

AOTD: 'If you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you two come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse, expelled!!!' ~ Hermione Granger

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now