Chapter 32

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A/N: Hello my wonderful readers who love this fan fiction so much. Anyways I have not so good news. The not so good news is that I don't own the wonderful Harry Potter franchise. However I do own the plot of this story and that is all I own. Anyways lets continue the story shall we?!?

Hermione and Draco left the heads dorm, but they can't contain their happiness for two reasons. Reason one is that Ron and Lavender are getting 3 months detention with Severus Snape. The second reason was that they're going to be parents of a little baby girl and that made Draco really happy. 

The couple went to their next class which was potions, and knowing Hermione since she was clear to stay out of classes she and Draco just went to class anyways. So when they arrived at potions they sat were they usually sit and payed attention to Hermione's father. 

In potions they were studying for their next test and making a new potion. As the class was taking notes, Severus motioned his daughter to come up to his desk. So Hermione grabbed a note she wrote earlier and went to her father's desk, to see what he needed. "So I heard from Professor McGongall that Lavender stun you with a stunning spell, are you and the baby fine." Severus asked his daughter as he was a bit worried.

Hermione smiled at him and then said to her father, "Yea dad both the baby and I are fine I promise." Severus was relive that his only daughter and grandchild was both okay. "Dad here's something that I think you might like." Hermione said to her father/professor as she handed him the note that she wrote before class. 

Hi grandpa its me your grandchild I cant wait to see you soon. I know you are going to be an amazing grandfather. I love you so much your granddaughter, Lyra Elisabeth Rose Malfoy. <3

When Severus Snape finished reading the letter he smiled not his usual smirk an actual smile. He got out from behind his desk and gave his daughter a big hug. Draco took this opportunity and take a picture for a family album that he is currently working on secret. 

"A granddaughter I cant believe it I am so happy for you Hermione." Severus Snape said to his daughter. Hermione gave her dad a bigger hug, she was so happy that her father is happy which made her smile even more. 

Hermione went back to her seat and continued working taking notes, and helping Draco with the potion that they are working on. 45 minutes later class was over and that meant lunch time so Draco and Hermione were going to tell their friends. 

The couple went the Great Hall and sat with the Gryffindor table so they can tell their friends the news. "Hey Hermione and Draco whats up?" Neville said to the couple. Draco just smiled and said to Neville, "Oh nothing really, although Hermione and I know the gender of baby Malfoy." Thats when Luna, Ginny ,Harry, and Neville perked up.

Hermione handed them a big card to each of them. Ginny and Luna all thought it was best that the read the card all together. Draco knew that this quiet great hall is going to be filled with screams of joy in a minute or so. 

Dear Aunt Ginny, Uncle Harry, Aunt Luna, and Uncle Neville, Hi I can't wait too meet you all very soon. I know you all are very excited to see me like my mommy daddy I love them like I love you all. Anyways I can't wait to see you soon. Love Always, Lyra Elisabeth Rose Malfoy. P.S. will you guys be my godparents?!?

Once Harry, Ginny, Luna, and Neville read the together all of them got out of their seats and hugged Draco and Hermione. Ginny answered for her and Harry saying that they would love to be their godparents, as Luna did the same as well. As Luna, Neville, Harry, and Ginny hugged Hermione Draco took a picture of his girlfriend hugging her friends for the family album. 

A/N That my wonderful readers is the end of this chapter, I hope you all liked it since it took me awhile to type this for you. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/Gif of the day: 

Dramione Pic/Gif of the day: 

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QOTD:  Summer or Winter?!?

AOTD: Summer

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