Chapter 44

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A/N: Hey my wonderful readers its Kyara aka RockysGal97 anyways this is the last full chapter of Snape's My Father?!? Fan Fiction which I am sad that it is ending, but happy at the same time I've been writing this story for over a year. Anyways like I mention in every chapter I do not own the Harry Potter Series, I do however just own the plot of this story. Anyways lets continue this story shall we?!?

Song of the chapter: Tattooed Heart cover by Nick Pitera

It has been two wonderful days since the happy couple that was Draco and Hermione got married. Now the happy couple is in France for their honeymoon that Draco surprised Hermione the night after their wedding.

Hermione was very excited when Draco told her that they were going to France, because that was her dream going to France for her honeymoon. Anyways Hermione and Draco woke up in each others arms, and smiling at each other as well.

"Good morning my lovely wife." Draco said to Hermione. She just smiled and hugged Draco thinking that she is the luckiest girl in the world. She then said to him, "Well good morning to you too my lovely husband." Draco just smiled at her comment thinking she's too adorable.

Finally after 15 minutes laying in bed together, they finally got out of the bed and started getting ready for the day. They each took their turn getting in the shower and brush their teeth, while the other one just got their clothes laid out on the couch and watched a little bit of the TV.

Once they finished getting ready which was an hour and 20 minutes, because Hermione was putting on some makeup which Draco told her she didn't need any, but she didn't care and put on some anyways.

They left the hotel and went to start exploring around Paris, France, which Hermione was excited about. During their outing they found the Eiffel tower so they went to take pictures of it and asked some random stranger to take a picture of them together.

After they finished taking pictures they continued walking down the city of love until they found a restaurant that Draco reserved last month before the wedding. Once they got to the restaurant the host that greeted them showed them to their table.

Once Draco and Hermione sat down at their table they sat across from each other and looked at the menu while they were waiting for their waiter. Once the waiter got at the table they asked the couple what they wanted for dinner and their drinks.

Draco ordered dinner for him and Hermione while she ordered their drinks. Once the waiter got everything down he went and took the order to the kitchens. While the couple was waiting for their food and drinks they talked about how much they are missing Lyra.

So as the waiter came back with their drinks Hermione called her father and was hoping for him to pick up. After two rings Severus Snape picked up the phones and said, "Hey Hermione how's your and Draco's honeymoon going so far?"

Hermione told him everything was going great and telling him how much they miss Lyra. Severus just laughed a little and said to her, "Will Lyra is taking her afternoon nap right now at the moment, but she does miss you." When the food came out 15 minutes later and she told her father that she'll call him back later. The couple finished eating their food after a half an hour and went back to their hotel to relax for the rest of the day.

A/N: Hey everyone I hoped you enjoy this chapter as much as I wrote this although I did have some writers block writing this chapter, but I managed through it. Also I will be on vacation next week, but it will be prewritten before I leave. Which I will upload when I make a rest stop on the way to our first stop. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/GIF/Video of the day:

QOTD: Favorite singer

AOTD: Michael Jackson

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now