Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I do not own the wonderful Harry Potter series sadly. If I did I would of made Neville marry Luna Lovegood.  The only thing I own is this wonderful plot that makes the ratings go up. Anyways lets continue the story shall we?

Last Time On Snape's My Father?!?|A Dramione Fan Fiction

Draco and Hermione started waving back at them and then sat down at the Slytherin table. Hermione and Draco were just sitting eating breakfast in peace and quiet until.

Ronald fucking Weasley decided to walk over to the Slytherin table. Draco and Hermione saw Ron coming up to them so Draco held Hermione's hand and held it tightly.

When Ron finally arrived at the Slytherin table he had a smirk and then said to Hermione, "Hey Slytherin slut been having sex with any dudes yet?" Hermione looked at Ron and then Draco and started crying.

All of a sudden Neville, Luna, Ginny, and Harry came over to Draco and Hermione at the Slytherin table. Luna and Ginny took Hermione from Draco and took her out of the great hall.

The boys Draco, Harry, and Neville had two options tell a teacher or do something to Ron. They decided to do the second option.

Draco went up to Ron went up to Ron's face and said to him, "What did you say to Hermione my wonderful girlfriend and the daughter of the famous potions master Severus Snape?" Ron looked at Draco and started laughing.

"I said Hermione Snape is a fucking slut." Ron said to Draco. Thats when Draco Malfoy tired so hard not to punch or hex Ron that he fucking clenched his wand so tight. Let's just say that didn't work.

Neville and Harry tried to hold back Draco, but that fail. Severus Snape however saw what was going on the entire time that he decided to walk over and decided to stop the nonsense at once.

When Snape got over to the boys he looked at Draco and said, " Mr. Malfoy go comfort my daughter while I handle mister Weasley here." Draco looked at his godfather and nodded his head and tried to find his girlfriend.

Draco found Luna and Ginny hugging a crying Hermione. It actually broke his heart and it made him actually wanted to make him cry. He went over to the girls and gave them a hug.

Hermione knew Draco was in front of her because of his cologne. She hugged him really tightly that she didn't want to let go of him. Ginny and Luna thought it was best it was to leave and go to class.

Draco started talking to her and said, "Shh baby girl everything is going to be okay your father is going to take care of everything." Hermione finished crying and mumbled a thank you in his chest.

Draco played with her hair for a bit to calm her down just to make sure she's okay. Hermione was all better after she wiped any tears she had left. Hermione and Draco stood back up and decided it was best if they don't miss class on the first day.

Draco and Hermione held their hands together and walked together for their first class which was potions. Which also by the way happens to be Hermione's father's class aka Severus Snape.

Hopefully on Hermione's life that their won't be any drama. If their is any drama then most likely Hermione will have access is to leave the classroom at any point.

A/N Hey my lovely people I hope you like this chapter. I am so sorry for the last couple of weeks because of moving and a massive concert hangover that took a week and a half to cover from. Anyways I will be back updating on Thursdays for this book and Sundays on my other book that has a few more chapters left. Anyways remember to vote and comment and have a wonderful rest of the week. xoxoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione picture/gif of the day:

QOTD: What was the first concert you have went to?

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QOTD: What was the first concert you have went to?

AOTD: Big Time Rush summer of 2012

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now