Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own the wonderful Harry Potter series. If I did own Harry Potter it would be the best book ever because Hermione and Draco would start dating in the 3rd book break up in book 6 and then get back together in book 7 in the Chamber of Secrets. Anyways lets get the show on the road shall we?

Hermione woke up around 6:30 am and was about to get ready, but then looked down and saw a pair of strong arms around her. She carefully got out of bed and started getting ready for the day. 

Hermione thought it was the best that she let Draco sleep in while she was getting ready. First she went to the bathroom and take a relaxing shower. After Hermione's 30 minute shower she got dressed in a cute outfit. 

(Hermione's Outfit^^^) 

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(Hermione's Outfit^^^) 

McGonagall had a rule that 7th years can wear regular clothes which all the 7th years were really excited about that. After Hermione got dressed she thought it was best to wake up her sleeping boyfriend. 

She went back to Draco's room and saw Draco still sleeping. 'Man he is so cute when he sleeps I hate to be the bad person but I have to wake him up.' Hermione thought to herself. Now Hermione has to wake up the sleeping boyfriend and tell him to get ready. 

"Draco baby time to get up we have class  soon and breakfast ends in a hour and a half." Hermione said to Draco while shaking him gently. Then out of nowhere if she got pulled down by Draco. 

"Good morning baby girl." Draco said to her. Hermione just started blushing madly and was smiling at the same time. Hermione then spoke, "Good morning my dashing prince." She just loved being in her boyfriends arms it makes her feel safe. 

Draco smiled more and snuggled his head into her shoulder. Hermione let out a smile giggle and then said to him, "Come on Draco it's time for classes its time for you to get dressed and classes start after breakfast." Draco groaned and finally got his ass up and started getting ready for the day. 

(Draco's Outfit^^^) 

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(Draco's Outfit^^^) 

After Draco took a shower and got dressed. After Draco got dressed he went back to the common room and saw Hermione gathering her and Draco's things ready for the day. Draco looked at him and admired her. 

Hermione turned around and smiled at her boyfriend. "Ready to go hon?" Draco asked her. She nodded her head for agreement. She gave Draco his bag and then the lovely couple left the heads dorm. 

After the lovely couple Dramione left the heads dorm. The entwined their hands together and started walking to the great hall for breakfast. When they arrived at the great hall they saw their friends waving at them.

Draco and Hermione started waving back at them and then sat down at the Slytherin table. Hermione and Draco were just sitting eating breakfast in peace and quiet until. 

DUN DUN DUN, CLIFFHANGER Hey my favorite people who have no time in their life like me. I'm kidding people I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I hope you have a wonderful day like I did. I love writing this story for you guys. Awe guys I see Hermione and Draco cuddling with their child. Its so perfect like Hermione and Draco. Shit I have to go Draco wants me. If I make it out alive remember too vote and comment. Anyways yea I have to go Draco wants to talk to me. xoxoxoxo ~Kyara A. 

Dramione picture/gif of the day: 

Dramione picture/gif of the day: 

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QOTD:   Ice cream or milkshakes

AOTD: damnit this is hard but if i had to pick I rather have a milkshake. 

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