Chapter 3

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A/N I do not own Harry Freakin Potter hahaha AVPM humor. Anyways If I did Fred would be alive and the Malfoys would be part of the order. Anyways lets continue the story shall we. 

After Snape helped Hermione with her stuff and helped her off the floor she noticed that the living room was huge. Lets just say its more bigger than the one at the Granger's household and she absolutely loved it.  

"Would you like me to take off your glamour charm Hermione?" Snape said to his daughter. Hermione was absolutely shocked and confused at time. She thought a moment of what she was going to say and then said to her father, "I have a glamour charm on me?" 

'Wow Hermione way to ask a stupid question to your own father.' Hermione thought to herself. Severus nodded his yes to his daughter and started mumbling the charm to get rid of her previous self.

After he finished the spell he said to his daughter, "Go look in the mirror to look at your true self. Then after that I can give you a tour of the house and answer any questions that you have." Hermione nodded at her father and then looked at her true self in closest mirror that she can fine.

When Hermione looked in the mirror she was in complete shocked and awed. 'I look a different.' Hermione thought to herself. Her hair wasn't that bushy brown hair anymore it was long, black and wavy. (A/N Picture is on top along with the song)  

She also grew a few inches which she is also happy about. Hermione was so happy about her life now that her life isn't a fake anymore. "Are you ready for the house tour?" Severus asked her only daughter. 

Hermione nodded her head yes and started following her father. Severus first showed her his room and the guest bedrooms just in case any of her friends or his friends comes over. Next he showed his daughter her bedroom hoping she would like it. scratch that what I mean to say he hope she loves it.

Before he opened her bedroom he had made her close her eyes. When he opened the bedroom room he grabbed his daughter's hand and they went inside the room. Severus put her in the middle of the room and said to her, " Okay honey open your eyes."  and that's what Hermione did.

When Hermione opened her eyes she was in complete awed

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When Hermione opened her eyes she was in complete awed. She loved it she hugged her dad and said to her father, "Oh dad I love it thank you thank you so much dad and I love you so much you are the best father ever." she hugged her father. 

Severus smiled and hugged his daughter back. "Oh I have one more surprise for you that you need to close your eyes again." he said to his daughter. Hermione nodded her head yes and closed her eyes.

Severus grabbed his daughter's wrist and took her to the secret room that he arranged for her since her 6th year. When they got to the secret room Snape opened the door and went inside the room while his daughter behind him. "Can I open my eyes yet dad?" Hermione said to her father. Snape cleared his throat and said "In 30 seconds my darling daughter." she nodded her head and stand still. 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now