Chapter 41

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A/N: hey my fellow readers that love this story so much as I much I like writing this story for you all. I just have to say something really I don't own the Harry Potter series. I Kyara Andrews aka KyaraTheDisneyQueen own the plot of this story. Anyways lets continue this story shall we?!?

Song Of the Chapter: Stupid With Love by Erika Henningsen (From Mean Girls on Broadway)

Its the day of Hermione's bachelorette party and Draco's bachelor party and the couple couldn't be more happy then celebrating with their friends. However their wedding was in three weeks and the couple could not, be any happier.

Little Lyra Malfoy was being watched by her grandpa Severus Snape also known as Hermione's father. Lucius came over to Snape manor fifteen minutes later to pick up Draco to take him to Malfoy manor where his friends are waiting for him so the party can begin.

Meanwhile with Hermione she is currently getting her last finishing touches of her makeup, before she got in her white dress for her bachelorette party that her friends and her picked out together, the day she found her wedding dress.

"Hermione love I'm leaving her in a couple minutes, I want to say goodbye to you before I leave." Draco yelled from the bottom of stairs to his fiancé. Hermione came down thirty seconds later in her full on outfit and made her father and Draco speechless.

She gave Draco a kiss and then said to him, "Bye love have fun, but not to much fun I love you." Draco gave Hermione a kiss back to her and then said to her, "I love you too Hermione and I love you as well Lyra." Lyra just gave her parents a toothless smile which earned her a kiss on each cheek from her parents.

After a couple minutes of saying goodbye to Hermione and Lyra Draco finally left with his father to go to Malfoy manor. Hermione turned around and faced her father and said to him, "Well dad I'll be either back late tonight or mid afternoon tomorrow."

Severus just smiled at his daughter and said to her, "Honey I will be fine and so will Lyra, if I have any problems with Lyra I'll call Narcissa. Now go on darling and have fun with your friends since it is practically your last night of freedom before your married." Severus and Hermione his daughter just laughed at his comment.

Severus gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek and that's when Hermione said goodbye to her father and her daughter, and left to go to the burrow. When she arrived at the burrow she went inside and saw all her friends waiting for her.

She was excited what her friends have planned for her bachelorette party. Ginny and Luna gave Hermione a big a hug and sat her down on the couch. "Well the plan for today is playing games for awhile and then go shopping for last minute things for the wedding. Ginny said to Hermione.

Hermione nodded her head and wore her bride to be sash that Ginny got her and a tiara that Luna bought her that had pink fluff and fake diamonds on it. The girls were playing a game until Hermione got a text from Draco she was worried why he was texting her.

'Hey babe I know your with the girls, but I just want to let you know I love you and I cant wait to marry you in three weeks. Have fun, but not too much fun. Okay babe I'll let you have fun with girls. I love you so much.'

Hermione was in awe that she started crying with so much happy tears. That's when all the girls at the burrow looked at her and that's when Luna spoke up and said, "Hermione what is wrong did Draco do something stupid?"

Hermione nodded her head and just gave Luna her phone so she can see it. Luna read the text out loud so everyone can her it, and that's when all the girls were in awe. After the finished their games they went to Diagon Alley and bought some last minutes stuff for the wedding.

Lets just say all the girls had fun at the bachelorette party that all of them were tired, but Hermione wanted to go home to her daughter. So Hermione said goodbye to her friends and went back to Snape manor and went to sleep in her room.

A/N: That ladies and gentlemen is the end of this chapter which took me a lot of writing and thinking for you all. I was listening to my new Broadway album while writing this chapter. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Pic/GIF/Video of the day:

QOTD: Do you like/love musical theatre?!?

AOTD: Hell yea I do!!!

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