Chapter 39

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A/N hey my wonderful readers that love Dramione as much as I do. I have something to tell you all. If you are new reading my story, please note I do not own the Harry Potter series nor characters of the Harry Potter series. I however just own the plot. Anyways lets continue this story shall we?!?

Song of the chapter: Seasons of Love by the Rent Cast.

Okay so today is the last day for Hogwarts students, and that means 8th year students (students who decided to come back after the war.) and the 7th years are graduating. Hermione and Draco were a little sad when they leave Hogwarts, but they are happy that they can focus on their wedding and daughter.

The couple finished packing their stuff and Lyra's stuff last night as they were taking turns of watching Lyra. Now back to the present time the couple met up with Draco's parents and Hermione's adoptive parents by the great hall so the couple can give their parents Lyra.

Draco and Hermione finally went inside the great hall and sat with their classmates, while they wait for the graduation ceremony to begin. Finally the graduation ceremony is beginning and headmistress McGonagall made a speech to congratulate her fellow students that are graduating.

McGonagall then called her students which are Hermione and Draco to make a farewell speech. Draco went first and said to his class, "Fellow classmates today is our last day before we say goodbye to the best/worst seven years of our lives. I am so sorry what I or my parents did to you if we ever bullied or tortured you. I am so glad that my friends from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have decided to forgot about the past and become friends. I am very thankful for person and that is Hermione Marie Elisabeth Snape. When I found out she is our potions professor daughter I automatically apologized which was I was going to do anyway no matter what. That same day I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said of course. Now a few months ago she blessed me with a little girl named Lyra Elisabeth Rose Malfoy who is our pride and joy. Anyways as I'm ending my speech be the best in the world because you don't need to listen to the haters epically a slut and a fuck boy. Again Hogwart students congrats and be you."

All of the Hogwart students clapped and cheered for Draco's speech. Now was Hermione's turn to make a speech. "Thanks Draco for that wonderful speech and I love you too. Fellow classmates I am making this speech short and sweet. When we were 11 we came to Hogwarts and was anxious and scared about to what Hogwarts house we would be. I for all my life was a Gryffindor until this year I was a Slytherin. We all had our worst days and our best days at Hogwarts. I am so honored that I was your head girl as well as my fiancée for head boy. As we leave we don't know what were going to do for jobs, me as a mother and a daughter I will be working in the Ministry part time so I can spend more time with my daughter and be a wonderful wife. To the two people that decided to be a slut and fuck boy, well I have a few words to say to you two, Fuck you both and I hope you rot in hell. Thank you fellow classmates and I hope to see you all inn the future." Hermione said as I finished her speech.

All of the Hogwarts graduates stood up and clapped and cheered at her speech as she and Draco roasted Ron and Lavender. Even the teachers and Ron's parents joined the students who were cheering Draco and Hermione.

In the end every student who was graduating Hogwarts has officially graduated from the school. Hermione and Draco kissed each other while the other students threw their caps and cheered that they finally finished 7 years of Hogwarts.

A/N: That everyone is where I'm going to end the wonderful chapter. I hoped you liked this wonderful chapter because it took me awhile. Also we have 6 chapters left of this book, but I still have the Instagram book for you all. Also their will be NO SQUEAL for this book. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/GIF/Video of the day:

QOTD: Any summer vacation plans?!?

AOTD: Yes I have tons

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