Chapter 33

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A/N: Hey my wonderful Dramione Readers and just normal readers how are you all doing?!? Anyways I have a confession to make I do not own the Harry Potter series sadly. I however just own the plot if that makes anything better. Anyways lets continue the story shall we.

Song of the chapter: How Does A Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion from Beauty and The Beast.

It has been two long months since Hermione and Draco have told their friends and family the gender reveal of baby Malfoy. All of their friends and family were really happy that the couple Dramione was having a little girl, named Lyra Elisabeth Rose Malfoy.

Now in the heads dorm Narcissa Malfoy and Jean Granger were setting up a baby shower, for Hermione and Draco. The mothers of the couple got approval from Headmistress McGonagall and Severus Snape. So that's when Jean and Narcissa got together and started planning the baby shower.

Neville, Luna, Harry, and Ginny knew about the surprise baby shower two months ago so they knew that Draco and Hermione needed to be busy the day of the shower. Draco and Hermione just came back from the library and went to heads dorm.

The reason why they went to the library is because the couple started a head start on their essay for their classes. So anyways when the couple arrived at the heads dorm and said the password to portrait of Professor Dumbledore.

When they enter the heads dorm they turned on the light and saw all of their family and friends shouting surprise at them. Hermione and Draco were totally surprised of what they saw. Draco and Hermione saw a sign that said baby shower and that made Hermione cry with tears of joy.

"I hope you guys like your surprise baby shower, because it took Jean and I a couple-few hours to set everything up for you guys." Narcissa said to the couple. Hermione went to her adoptive mother and godmother and gave them a hug.

Draco did the exact same thing after Hermione have given her godmother and adoptive mother a hug. The couple put their bags in their rooms, and then came back to the common room to sit on the couch.

"Okay guys time for presents." Jean said to everyone that was in the common room. Harry and Ginny went first. Ginny and Harry got up and gave Hermione and Draco their gift which was pretty big.

The gift that Harry and Ginny gave to the soon to be parents was a white and pink car seat, with an animal mobile for the handle. Hermione got up of the couch with the help of her boyfriend and gave her friends a hug.

Hermione sat back down right down by Draco and waited for the next gift. The next gift was from Jean and Paul Granger also known as Hermione's adoptive parents and this gift was pretty small.

The gift that Hermione and Draco got from the Grangers was a teddy bear with Lyra's name on the belly on it, with a baby blanket of small animals. Hermione wanted to get off the couch, but decided not too, so her parents came over to her and gave her a hug.

Next was Molly and Arthur Weasley, and their gift was in a huge box. "Bill, Fleur, Percy, and Charlie couldn't make it so they mailed their gifts to us and send their love to both of you." Molly said to the couple.

Hermione and Draco nodded their heads and opened the huge box. The first gift was from Bill and Fleur which was baby books so when Draco and Hermione put the baby to bed they can read to the child.

The second gift was from Percy and what he got for baby Lyra was a bear, but this bear was not no ordinary bear. This bear is a half Gryffindor half Slytherin bear with a picture of Draco and Hermione on the belly.

Draco and Hermione got to the final gift and that final gift was from Molly and Arthur. Molly and Arthur gift for the couple was, three packs of diapers, A knitted blanket, and finally a Weasley sweater with a L on it, in the shade of pink.

Draco and Hermione thanked the Weasley's and they gave each others hugs. Next was Neville and Luna gift. The couple gave their gift to the expecting parents and they thought in their heads that they are going to love their gift.

The expecting parents opened the gift and they saw this adorable play pin. The play pin had an adorable little toys and the play pin it self was pink and purple with Lyra's initials detailed on the side. Luna and Neville came over to the expecting parents and gave them a hug.

Next was Fred and George Weasley and they gave their present to Draco and Hermione. What the Weasley twins gave to the couple was more diapers and a sign that has Lyra's full name on it. The couple gave the Weasley twins a hug and a thank you.

Next was Professor McGonagall and she gave the couple a card with a gift card for a baby store that was in Diagon Ally. Next was Severus Snape also known as Hermione's father and he gave the couple a huge present.

Severus Snape gift for the couple was actually really cute and huge at the same time. Hermione and Draco opened up the gift and saw a beautiful pink and black crib with little fairies on the front and back of the crib.

Hermione did actually get up and gave her father a hug and said thank you. Draco meanwhile thanked his godfather and hug him after he waited for his girlfriend hugged him. Finally it was Narcissa and Lucius turn.

Lucius and Narcissa gave the expecting couple a hug for in advance and gave the couple a card and a blanket with Lyra's initials on it. Draco read the card out loud and he saw a key that Hermione was holding.

When Draco finished reading the card he thanked his parents and gave them a huge hug. "Hey Draco what does the card say." George said to him. Draco looked at him and said, "Hermione and I have our own house after we graduate."

After a fun few hours of the baby shower everybody said good bye to Draco and Hermione and left. Once everyone left Draco and Hermione went to Draco's room and went to bed, because they were tuckered out from the baby shower.

A/N: That everyone is where I am going to end this chapter. I hope you like this chapter of Hermione's and Draco's baby shower, because I wrote over 1000 words for you all. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/Gif/Video of the day:

QOTD: Favorite Disney Princess?!?

AOTD: Belle and Snow White

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now