Chapter 28

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A/N: I do not own the Harry Potter series sadly. Anyways If I did own the Harry Potter series I would probably have Lucius Malfoy encourage his son Draco Malfoy to ask out Hermione Granger. Anyways let's get with this chapter shall we?!?

It's been one week since Hermione Marie Elisabeth and Draco Lucius Malfoy have told their friends, and the potions master Severus Snape aka Hermione's father that Hermione was pregnant. All five of them were happy for the couple, which made Draco and Hermione happy.

Now It is time for Christmas break for Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. All the students who were leaving Hogwarts to go home for the holidays were packing last minute stuff in their suitcases. Hermione and Draco had just finished packing their suitcases, and now the couple is putting on their winter coats, hats, and gloves. 

"Ready to go home princess?!?" Draco asked his girlfriend Hermione Snape. Hermione kissed her boyfriend on the cheek and then said to him, "Yes I am ready to go home my prince." Draco pulled out his wand and shriek the luggage's that the couple are taking home and put them in his pocket. 

Hermione held her dog Minnie because she didn't want her dog Minnie to walk in the freezing snow. The couple finally left the heads dorm  and starting walking straight to the Hogwarts express. 

Forty minutes later the couple had finally arrived at Hogsmeade where the Hogwarts Express is. "Hey how about you and Minnie go find our friends, while I put the suitcases away." Draco said to Hermione. 

Hermione nodded her head then she gave her boyfriend a kiss. She finally went on the Hogwarts Express. Hermione went to search for friends Neville, Luna, Harry, and Ginny for about two minutes and she finally found them. 

Hermione knocked on the cabin door hoping one of them can open the door. Ginny saw Hermione and her dog Minnie and let them in. "Hey Hermione hi Minnie, where's Draco?" Harry asked her best friend. 

Hermione gave Minnie to Luna so she can play with him and said to Harry, "Draco's is putting our suitcase's away so he should be here any minute." and on cue here was Draco coming in the cabin. 

The Hogwarts express was officially moving so now the next stop is King's Cross Station.  The friends that was in the cabin were either talking or taking nap. Knowing Hermione being pregnant she took a nap. 

A few hours later they finally arrived at King's Cross Station.  All six of them got off the Hogwarts Express and got their stuff. Ginny & Harry and Luna & Neville said goodbye to Hermione & Draco and left. 

Draco and Hermione went to find Draco's parents and Hermione's adoptive parents together. Once Hermione saw them both she held her dog Minnie and went straight to her godparents and her adoptive parents a hug. 

"Hi Hermione I guess congratulations are in order." Narcissa said to her goddaughter as she hugged her. Hermione just smiled and thanked her godparents and adoptive parents. Draco shrink down the suitcases and put them in his pocket and gave his parents a hug. 

"Well lets go home shall we all?" Lucius said to everyone. Everyone held each others hand and apprated to Snape Manor where Hermione and Severus live. A minute later the all arrived at Snape Manor, This is the first time Hermione's adoptive parents get to see it. 

The Next Day 

It is Christmas and everyone is happy to be with each other. Hermione did not want to get out of her bed, but Draco told her to get up or she wont get any presents. That made Hermione get out of her bed and walked down to the living room. 

It was time to open presents and everyone in the living room was excited to see what they all got for Christmas. Two hours later all the Christmas presents were opened and everybody in that room had a favorite gift. 

Narcissa's favorite gift was from her son and he got her a jewelry set that comes with expensive earrings, necklaces, and more. Lucius favorite gift was from his goddaughter and it was book series from Sherlock Holmes.  He promised Hermione that he would read every single book. 

Paul's favorite gift was from Lucius and it was new expensive watch and a new coat. Jean's favorite gift was from Narcissa, and that gift was a new necklace and bracelet with a purple diamond. Severus's favorite gift was from Paul and Jean Granger and that was a thank you note and a photo album of Hermione.  Severus looked at the photo album and started crying wishing he wouldn't give up Hermione, but it was for her safety. 

Draco's favorite gift was from his godfather Severus and that gift was a new Qudditch broom the Thunderbolt 5000. (A/N I don't know the entire Qudditch brooms so I just made one  up.) Draco did thank his godfather and gave him a hug. 

Finally Hermione's favorite gift was a heart necklace from Draco and it was engraved saying 'I love you forever and ever.' Hermione did cry and gave her boyfriend a giant hug and a cute little kiss. To everyone they thought it was best Christmas that they had ever and no one complained about it at all. 

A/N and that everyone is the end of chapter 28. I decided to do a Christmas ball because Christmas is coming very close. Anyways let did you think of this lovely chapter?!? I know I love it, because without it I think it would of sucked. Again thanks for every single one of you for reading this story that I worked very hard on for you guys. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A. 

Dramione Pic/GIF of the day: 

QOTD: Favorite Christmas Movie?!?

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QOTD: Favorite Christmas Movie?!?

AOTD: Polar Express, ELF, and any of the Christmas Carol movies. 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now