Chapter 9

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A/N I do not own the one and only Harry Potter, but I wish I did like some other fans as well. Anyway enjoy this chapter and eat something delicious like Oreo's or ice cream. Anyways on with the chapter. 

Previously on Snape's My Father?!?|A Dramione Fan Fiction.

Hermione called for the Malfoys to come back to the living room so she can tell her father and her godparents her and Draco's news. Hermione cleared her throat and said to her father and godparents, "Um dad uncle Lucius and aunt Cissa I have something to tell you."

Severus Snape looked at his daughter hoping she can give news to him. "Yes sweet daughter of mine?" the potions master asked her daughter. The Narcissa and her husband looking at their son and goddaughter thinking they know something. 

Hermione went over by her boyfriend and held his hand tightly so they feel like they don't want let go with each other. Hermione looked at her godparents and father then said, "Draco and I are now dating." 

Narcissa was beyond happy that her goddaughter and her only son are officially an item. "Finally my own son got the courage to ask  you out Hermione." Narcissa said to Hermione. Hermione giggled at what her godmother said to Draco which by the way made him blush.

Draco turned to his godfather to see his opinion on this hopefully his professor/godfather approves of it. Snape saw his godson looking him hoping for approval and then said to his godson, "You better treat my daughter right if you don't I will not hesitate to personally hex you. Do you understand?"

Draco gulped and said to his godfather, "I promise uncle Severus that I will never break your daughter's heart. I even swear on my life i love your daughter to much that I will never break her heart." 

Severus Snape knew his son was telling the truth because Draco would always tell him anything. Plus it also means that he doesn't have to poor down in truth serum in his godson throat because that would be a waste of it. 

Hermione went back to her boyfriend after she finished hugging Lucius and Narcissa. She hugged Draco from behind which by the way in her opinion found it cute.

Draco was scared for a second on who was hugging him from behind, but then he figured it out that it was his girlfriend Hermione. He turned around to face her and hugged her while also smiling at her. 

Lucius had the opportunity and took a picture using his wizard camera so they can remember the day the officially got together. The young couple didn't noticed that they were to busy in their own little world.  

'How did I get so damn lucky.' Hermione and Draco thought to themselves. All of the adults in room thought they were so cute which they are. 

Narcissa and Lucius looked at their son knew that their only son has been falling in love with their only goddaughter Hermione.  This however made Severus, Lucius, and Narcissa really really happy seeing their children in love. 

After the cute Dramione hug Hermione was starting to get tired. The reason she was getting tired because one she was crying half of the day and two she found out she was a Snape. 

The adults didn't noticed that Hermione was tired, but Draco however did noticed that his girlfriend was tired. Hermione needed a nap like really badly in her room. 

Draco decided to be the good boyfriend and a proper gentleman and carried Hermione up to her room. When they arrived at Hermione's room Draco put his girlfriend on the bed and tucked her in. 

As Draco was about her room he heard Hermione say, "Don't leave me stay and take a nap with me please." Draco chuckled and came back to her bed and took a nap with her.  He and Hermione cuddled with each other. As Hermione fell asleep in Draco's arms he said to her, "I love you baby girl." then kissed her on the forehead and then fell asleep. 

A/N This ends chapter 9 of my wonderful Dramione fan fiction. Remember to vote and comment if you like it. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day and stay beautiful my wonderful people. 

Dramione Picture/ GIF of the day: 

QOTD: Your actual house? (not according to Pottermore or any other website that does sorting)

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QOTD: Your actual house? (not according to Pottermore or any other website that does sorting)

AOTD: Slytherclaw (Slytherin and Ravenclaw) yea I have 2 personalities for 2 different houses. 

My thoughts and prayers are with Manchester, England the families of the poor victims and lastly Ariana Grande. Over 100 people got injured and 22 people got killed after a concert. Concert's are suppose to be fun night for people and a night to remember not a place to kill innocent people. Which by the way makes me sick who in the living hell decides to set off a bomb at a concert. I am now praying hard for these victims and England. Thank you to anyone who is volunteering their own time to help Manchester who all went to the concert. I love you all and I hope that you take that your time and pray for the city of England, the victims, and Ariana Grande. I love you all so much and I literally think about all of you when I write my fan fictions for you. Have a wonderful rest of the week and stay safe and stay strong. xoxoxo ~Kyara A. 

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