Chapter 8

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A/N I am so sad to say that I do not own Harry Potter. Yes I think anyone that writes Harry Potter wishes they own Harry Potter like me. Anyways please enjoy chapter 8 and enjoy your bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. As I say the last time enjoy this wonderful chapter.  

After they finished kissing each other they continued to cuddle with each other. As they were about to sleep in each other's arm's Hermione's father aka Professor Snape called Hermione and Draco downstairs.

Hermione and Draco went downstairs, but before she did that she went and grabbed the letter that Ginny had sent her earlier. She had to grabbed the letter so she can show her father and her godparents what Ginny said to her in letter form.

Draco and Hermione left the room hand in hand and went downstairs to greet her father and godparents. Went they arrived downstairs they separated their hands and Hermione went to father and gave her father the letter that Ginny and Harry sent her.  

Snape was confused and asked Hermione, "What is this Hermione?" Hermione looked at her father and then said to him, "It's a letter from Ginny and Harry that I think you should read." Snape looked at her one more time and then started reading the letter. 

Snape read the first half of the letter and was beyond happy that Ginny, Harry, and the rest of the Weasley's excluding Ron supported Hermione that she is a Snape. But when he read the second half of the letter Snape's smile went to a smile to a frown.

Why was Snape frowning well let me tell you my lovely people. Snape was frowning because he got to the part when Ronald Weasley was calling his daughter a common ass bitch. He didn't mind being called a foul greasy git, but when someone calls his daughter a common ass bitch that's a whole different story.

Snape threw the letter down and hugged his daughter tightly. Draco as well went by his girlfriend and godfather and hugged Hermione from behind. Lucius and Narcissa were so confused on why Snape and Draco were hugging Hermione  and why Snape is angry not that they mind, but then something caught Lucius's eye the letter. 

So Lucius did was he picked up the letter and read it. Lucius was beyond furious like Snape, but just to make sure he reread it about two more times. Narcissa was confused on why her husband was furious like Severus.  

"Hey Lucius why are you upset?" Narcissa asked her husband. Lucius however didn't answer he just handed her the letter and went to hug his goddaughter. Narcissa as well like his husband and her best friend was furious at that stupid Weasley. Narcissa finally went to her goddaughter and hugged her. 

This is finally their first family hug which Snape was excited in his mind, but now is not the right time to be happy. Hermione cried in her father's arm's and felt whats the word oh yeah she felt absolutely broken.

'Why did I ever go out with that stupid Weasley.' Hermione thought to herself. Snape hugged her daughter tightly so he doesn't want to let go of her. The Malfoys thought it was best if they went to the dining room and went to leave Severus and his daughter have a moment. 

"Hey my wonderful daughter everything will be okay I promise Also you will be resorted when we get back to Hogwarts." Severus whispered in his daughters ear. Hermione on this point stop crying and wiped her tears away. 

Hermione is now smiling that she heard that she will get sorted to her rightful house when she gets back to Hogwarts. She is really hoping that she will be sorted into Slytherin were her boyfriend is and where father and godparents were previously were when they went to Hogwarts. 

Hermione called for the Malfoys to come back to the living room so she can tell her father and her godparents her and Draco's news. Hermione cleared her throat and said to her father and godparents, "Um dad uncle Lucius and aunt Cissa I have something to tell you."

DUN DUN DUN your second cliffhanger. That folks is where we are ending our lovely chapter today. Ouch who threw that box of Oreo's at me? *Everybody runs away.* Anyways I hope you love this lovely chapter although its cliffhanger. Okay dont throw anything else at me. *Ducks for cover.* Anyways I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and remember to vote and comment. 

Here is your Dramione picture of the day down below.

QOTD: Opinion on Feltson? (Emma Watson and Tom Felton)

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QOTD: Opinion on Feltson? (Emma Watson and Tom Felton)

AOTD: I totally ship them because they looked so cute in the premires they are literally my OTP. Hey dont judge me.

Let me know on your opinion on Feltson. No hate or it will be reported or blocked. Again have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A. 

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