Chapter 38

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A/N: Hey my lovely readers how are you all today?!? Well I am good if you are asking me although I do have to say something before I continue writing this chapter. I Kyara A also known as KyaraTheDisneyQueen I do not own the Harry Potter Series and the Harry Potter Characters. I do however just own the plot and that readers is it.  Anyways my fellow readers lets continue this chapter (story) shall we?!?

Song of the chapter: Breaking Free by High School Musical (1)

Hermione and Draco have been engaged for two months now and the happy couple has been nothing but happy for the future. Now the happy go lucky couple is officially going back to classes for the rest of the year.

The couple was nervous, because they are going back to classes for the first time since Hermione had Lyra Elisabeth Rose Malfoy. Although the couple was knew that their daughter was going to be in great hands with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy also known as Draco's parents and Hermione's godparents.

It was the first day of class for the couple and Hermione is already having 2nd thoughts and wanting to go back to her and Draco's dorm to take care of her little angel. "Honey Lyra is fine with my parents calm down and relax." Draco said to his fiancée.

Hermione nodded her head slowly and sat down next to her fiancée and started listening to the teacher. So hours later classes was officially over and Draco and Hermione went to see their daughter.

Fifteen minutes later after their walk to the heads dorm they finally arrived at the heads dorm. The couple entered their dorm they saw little Lyra all smiley at her grandma aka Narcissa Malfoy.

Lucius saw the happy couple and said to them, "So how was your first day back at classes you two." Draco and Hermione just smiled at them hoping Narcissa and Lucius could tell by their faces, mostly Hermione's face.

"Oh Hermione was it that bad?!?" Narcissa asked her goddaughter as she handed Lyra to Hermione. Hermione nodded her head and said to her godmother, "It was at least half of the day it was, but Draco and my friends calmed me down for the rest of the day."

Lucius smiled and said to goddaughter, "Well that's good Hermione getting calmed by Draco and your friends is good for you." Hermione smiled at Lucius while she was playing peek-a-boo with her daughter.

Hermione and the rest of the Malfoys went down to the great hall for dinner to see Hermione's father and Draco's and Hermione's friends. As the Malfoys and Hermione sat down at their own special table now a gift from Head Mistress McGonagall.

The table is right in front of the teacher table so Hermione and Draco could see her friends as she and Draco plus his parents can talk to Severus Snape also known as Hermione's father whenever they want.

A/N: That everyone is the end of chapter 38 which I'm sorry for making this so short, but I was running out of creative juices. Anyways yesterday was 20th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts which is a huge deal for us Potterheads. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxoxo ~ Kyara A.

Dramione Pic/GIF/Video of the day:

QOTD: When do (did) graduate High School?!?

AOTD: I graduated from my high school Jefferson High School in 2015

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