Chapter 6

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A/N I do not own the lovely Harry Potter series. Sadly I just own this damn plot. Anyways enjoy the chapter and eat some lovely Red-Vines (hahahaha Starkid/AVPMS humor.)

Snape wiped any access tears that his daughter had left on her face. Hermione and Severus went back to the dining room where the Malfoys were waiting for them.

Narcissa felt so sorry for Hermione that she gave Hermione a hug. 'Why the fuck would a guy cheat on my sweet innocent goddaughter? My son would be a better boyfriend than that Weasley.' Narcissa thought to herself.  She knew that her only son had a crush on Hermione. 

It is true if your wondering how Narcissa knew about Draco having a crush on Hermione sit down and eat some ice cream and I'll tell you a story. Okay here is the lovely story of how Narcissa Malfoy nee Black found out about her son liking her only goddaughter.

During Hermione's and Draco's 3rd year Draco wrote an owl to his mother telling her that he had a crush on Hermione. Narcissa kind of knew about because of Draco nags and complains about how Hermione is ahead of Draco in all of their classes. Narcissa did however wrote back a short letter to her son saying she and his father approving his crush.  

Anyways back to reality after a depressing lunch Snape suggested that Draco and Hermione go to Hermione's room while the adults go talk in the living room. That's what Hermione and Draco did after they nodded their head at the potions master.  

When the two teens arrived in Hermione's room and sat on the bed and talking about muggle things which Draco found really interesting.  While they were talking they heard an owl pecking at her window. 

Hermione opened the window and let the owl inside her room and took the letter that was tied to its foot. Hermione did recognize the owl it was Hedwig  Harry's owl she gave Hedwig an owl treat and then the owl flew off. (A/N I could not Hedwig die so I decided to let the owl live in this.) 

"Who's the letter from Hermione?" Draco asked his crush Hermione

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"Who's the letter from Hermione?" Draco asked his crush Hermione. "Its from Ginny and Harry."  she said back to Draco. Draco looked at her and said, "Well what does it say?"  Hermione cleared her throat and started reading it out loud. 

Dear Hermione aka our fabulous best friend, 

Wow your professor Snape's daughter that's something Harry and I never seen. I read your letter out loud to my family and everybody accepts you for being Snape's daughter expect for one. Can you guess the one that doesn't accepts you? If you guess my git of my brother Ron Weasley then your absolutely correct. Ron said after I read the letter and I quote 'She is the daughter of that bloody greasy git no wonder she is a common ass bitch.'  Can you bloody believe that I related to git. Everybody was so shocked and furious that my bloody brother of a git said that about. I did however did use my famous hexes that Ron is afraid of on him. Harry and the rest of my brothers started beating the living shit out of him it was quite hilarious actually. I am so sorry that my brother said that your a common ass bitch and your a father a foul greasy git. You however when we board the Hogwarts Express in about 4 weeks you can hex his damn ass which mom, dad, and I totally approve of actually doing. Harry and I probably know you have a glamour charm on you so you might have to send a recent a picture of you or meet us somewhere in Diagon Alley. Speaking of Diagon Alley Harry and I are going in two weeks because we know that Hogwarts letters will start coming to all of us either this week or next week. Anyways again I am super sorry about my foul git of my brother which I still refuse to call my brother. (That incident when Ron cheated on you that's when I oath to myself that I will never talk to him and be related to him.)   FYI the rest of the family and Harry decided that we shun Ron for the best. Again I am super sorry about Ronald did to you and said about you. See you in two weeks. Stay fabulous my fierce friend of ours love and sincerely  Ginny Fabulous Weasley and Harry Frickin Potter.  

Hermione started crying at what Ron said to her. 'How dare that Weasel call me a common ass bitch. He's the one that's dating the Gryffindor slut who is a common ass bitch. To top it all off how dare he call my father the fucking potions master a foul greasy git. Just you wait you fucking git you messed with the wrong girl.' Hermione thought to herself. 

Draco was also shocked as well, but wanted to make sure that he heard correctly. He asked for the letter and Hermione handed him the letter. He was happy that her remaining best friends along with the rest of Weasley's that the approved of Hermione being a Snape. 

Then he became furious that the weasel aka Ron Weasley called Hermione a common ass bitch and her father a foul greasy git. He was so going to help Hermione hex or beat up Ronald Weasley .

She was just standing in the middle room crying her brown eyes out. Draco got off the bed and started hugging her. She snuggled her head in his chest and they started walking back to her bed.

As they made it back to her bed they laid down on the bed. Draco was rubbing her back telling her that everything will be okay. Hermione was hugging Draco so tight that she didn't wanna leave his arms. Hermione knew that for some reason felt safe in her crush arms and she smiled a little bit inside. 

A/N Hey my lovely readers I hope you enjoy this lovely chapter. I tried my best to make these chapters longer so you guys can enjoy them. Anyways I am going to start doing Question of the day aka QOTD. So here is the first question. 

QOTD: What is your Hogwarts house according to Pottermore?


Anyways I hope you have a wonderful I hope you have an amazing rest of week and remember to vote and comment. ~ xoxoxo ~ Kyara A. 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now