Chapter 5

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A/N I do not own the wonderful Harry Potter series. Anyways If I did owned it Fred would be alive and Draco would of confront his feelings to Hermione in 3rd year after she punched him. Anyways lets continue this story shall we. 

All of the adults went to the dining room to eat lunch while Draco had other plans to do. He dragged Hermione by the arm and went to the stairs and started talking to her. "Hey Hermione I am super sorry what I did and said to you in the past. Can you do me the hugest favor and forgive me please?" Draco said to Hermione

Hermione felt a little teary eye, but didn't cry. Her crush Draco Lucius Malfoy actually apologized to her and to be honest she actually waited for this moment to happen.  She then said to Draco, "I totally forgive you lets leave the past in past shall we?" He nodded his head and then both walked to the dining room.  

He was so happy that Hermione forgave him that easily. When they arrived in the dinning room Draco sat by his parents and across from Hermione. While Hermione sat by her father and across from Draco. 

Everybody was talking about Hogwarts and laughing at memories like when Hermione told her father about punching Draco right in the nose in their 3rd year. Snape, Lucius, and Narcissa started laughing while Draco on the other hand blushed. 

When they had desert Hermione was playing footsy with Draco her father brought up a subject/person that she was hoping he would never asked her and that person's name was Ronald Weasley. "So how's your relationship with Mr. Weasley?" Snape asked her daughter.  

Hermione dropped her spoon and went pale. Lucius was so concerned that he asked his goddaughter, "Hermione are you okay?" Hermione shook her head no and started crying. Narcissa got of her seat and gave her goddaughter a nice big hug. Hermione gave her godmother a hug so tight that she didn't want to let go.  

After the 5 minute hug she wiped her tears and thanked godmother for the hug. "To be honest dad I'm not in a relationship with him anymore?" Hermione said to her father. Severus Snape was so concerned what happen happened between the Ron and Hermione.

"Just wondering why aren't you in a relationship with him anymore?" Snape asked his daughter. Hermione started crying again 'Just tell your father Hermione everything will be okay.' Hermione thought to herself.

She cleared her throat and said, "The reason were not in a relationship anymore is because he cheated on me with the common bitch also known as the Gryffindor slut Lavender fucking Brown." Everybody dropped their silverware and was shocked of what Hermione just said.  

She continued by saying, "So what I did was I kicked his damn ass and told him to stay out of my life. Ginny and Harry were there for me and not for Ron because they knew I would never lie to them." They all laughed a little, but they felt so bad that she had her heart broken by a stupid Weasley. 

Draco got out of his chair quickly and gave her a hug. He felt sad because when she starts crying he gets sad. "Everything will be okay." he whispered in her ear. After the long hug he gave her she felt better.  

Severus, Lucius, and Draco were pissed no scratch that they were beyond furious of what Ron did to Hermione. Snape decided that this is the time to cheer up his daughter and he will do anything to make his daughter happy. 

He motioned his daughter to follow him to the living room and that's exactly what she did.  They sat on the couch in living room and sat there for a minute. Hermione was still crying, but this time in her father's arms. 

She stayed crying in her father's arm's for 5 minutes she hated being heart broken and this broke her dad's heart.  She calmed down, but her eyes were red and puffy from crying to much. Snape got some tissues and dried any access to tears that she had left on her face. 

"You want to know something Hermione?" he asked his daughter. Hermione looked at her father and said to him, "What daddy?" he smiled at what she said to him and continued talking. " Weasley so doesn't deserve you."

"Why do you say that dad?" she asked him. He looked at her and said, "Because if he treated you like shit that means he wasn't the one. Plus your one beautiful, kind, and friendly to anybody including to the house elves. Do you feel any better now sweetheart?"  

Hermione smiled at father and nodded her head. She felt so better what her father said to her and forgot all about Ron. Now she wishes that Ginny and Harry would send her a letter wondering if they approve of her being a Snape. 

Hey my wonderful readers thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you like this chapter because I try my best to write it the best i can. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and enjoy the rest of April because next week its gonna be May (Insert NYSNC) . XOXOXO ~ Kyara A. 

Snape's My Father?!? A Dramione Fan Fiction *REEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now