" i missed you "

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In the moment I was in a trance. I haven't seen chance in around 5 months so when I saw him I froze. The room went silent and all eyes were on us. I even felt moms eyes on us which freaked me out more then anything else. Finally I got up the nerve to move my body and when I did it found its way over to chance. I wrapped my arms around his neck and acted like nothing bad even happened between us. Like we were still dating and we were still happy. He wrapped his arms around my waist and time faded away. Then the time came and we released from the hug and just stood their looking at each other. "Uhh your phone is ringing" he said pointing to my pocket.

I had been to focused on chance that I didn't realise my phone ringing. I nodded and pulled my phone out and walked out to the backyard. "Hello" I said into the phone not even checking the collar ID.

"It's Kade" Kade said into the phone drawing my attention from the window giving me a direct view of chance.

"Oh hey Kade what's up" I asked sitting on a swing.

"Nothing just chilling editing a team 10 vid" he sighed.

Not a moment later I realised I had eyes on me beaming through my skin. " oh fun - well I'm super tired right now so I'll call you in the morning" I smiled and the ended the call.

For the first time in forever I felt awkward talking to Kade. Never have I ever felt like that which freaked me out.

I walked back inside and the guys were no where to be found. "Jake - Jake" I said walking down the halls.

"Sorry" a voice said from above me. I looked up A realising I was on the ground and B realising it was chance.

"Oh no big deal" I smiled pulling myself back up.

"How have you been?" I asked brushing myself off.

" good good" he smiled.

For some reason to me his smile seemed fake and not real which concerned me but I didn't want to address it.

We stood in silence just staring at each other and then at the floor and then back at each other. "I missed you a lot" he said cleaning the silence.

"I missed you too" I said pulling him into a hug. Chance and I were the couple that you would look at walking down the hall and wish to be.

Before I dated chance I was on the verge of hating life. Both my brothers were famous on vine and my parents were getting a divorce. Things just weren't going my way for a while but then I met chance and everything changed.

"Well I'm pretty jet lagged I think I'm gonna head to bed" I said rubbing my head.

"Night Bunny" he smiled.

Bunny : a term Chance made up when we first started dating because my nose was small like a bunny and I had small ears as well.


Today's chapter is a lot to take in lol.

Thanks for like votes.

Next chapter is gonna be great.

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