Drama pt. 2

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"You used to date takiya" I shouted with momentousness.

Kade stared at me putting him hands in his lap laying back in his chair.

"What is the issue with that" he yelled back.

"Maybe because she is my friend" I slammed my hand on the table.

"You basically kicked her out of this house-" he started

"That's how you treat your friends - wow I hate to be your friend" he rolled his eyes.

"Well it's a good thing your my boyfriend" I said winking my voice down to an indoor voice slightly.

"Maybe I don't even want to be that anymore" he sighed getting up.

---- flashback over ----

Takiya has been here almost a week in which time I have barely talked to Kade. "Hey um so just found out that my flight is actually going to be cheaper if I fly out today instead of tomorrow" she said walking into my room.

"Wait so you came here without knowing when you gonna go back" I said trying not to let her see me rolling my eyes.

"Yeah" she said dragging the yeahhhh along.

"Well just let me know when your leaving I guess" I sighed walking into my closet.

By the time I compiled my outfit and looked back at my room she was gone. I grabbed my clothes and changed into a full tilt suede cage black womans tank from tillys paired with my shorts and BC collective floral kimono from tillys as well. I went on my social media and saw nothing new happening.


"Emilio can I talk to you for a second" I asked sitting on the couch next to the twin.

"When I'm not here and takiya is around Kade does she flirt with him?" I asked.

"A little bit but not a lot" he said taking the earphones off of his head.

"Thanks boo - ohh who are you texting" I said peeking down at his phone.

"Girl?" I asked.

"Girl, Ashlee" he said blushing.

"Emilio has a crush" I chanted throwing my hands up in the air.


"Just wanted to let you know I'm leaving" Takiya said peeking her head in the office where I currently was talking to Nick.

"Oh okay do you want me to take you?" I asked getting up.

"Um Kade was going to take me but sure you can come" she shuffled around.

I fake smiled and slid on my converse. "Hey Kade I'm coming with you guys to the airport is that okay?" I asked grabbing my phone off of the counter.

"Uh yeah I guess sure" he stuttered.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Your so cute" I smiled and then unlatched my grip on him.


The car ride to the airport was very silent. And when I say very I mean very quite. So quite you could hear a pin drop. I waited in the car while Kade and takiya said their farewells.

"Visit again soon bestfriend" I said hugging her.

She smiled, took one last glance at Kade and then walked into the airport. The car ride home from the airport was silent as well but more of a 'things are gonna get worse' silence.


We got home and everyone was gone. I looked at my phone and saw messages to the group chat that I never looked at.

Group chat : house squad

From : Brother bear 🐻 - we went to dinner.

From : Tessa 😍 - can you upload my vlog for me?

From : me - sure


I walked upstairs to Tessa's room and uploaded her vlog with a captivating caption and a believable thumb nail.

I went into the office where I was then greeted by Kade who was also in the office. I was going to turn around until Kade and I made eye contact. I sat in my chair and began looking at future pranks. The conversation started off slowly but then kicked into high gear almost immediately.

"So how do you know Takiya?" I asked.

"I never knew her a time before this" he laughed.

"Really because she has been here for a week and you guys we're inseparable" I said shocked by his answer.

"She's really easy to make friends with" he laughed.

"Yeah i guess so" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think I'm lying?" He laughed.

"Tell me how you know her" I begged.

"we used to date" he said lowering his voice.

"You used to date takiya" I shouted with momentousness.

Kade stared at me putting him hands in his lap laying back in his chair.

"What is the issue with that" he yelled back.

"Maybe because she is my friend" I slammed my hand on the table.

"You basically kicked her out of this house-" he started

"That's how you treat your friends - wow I hate to be your friend" he rolled his eyes.

"Well it's a good thing your my boyfriend" I said winking my voice down to an indoor voice slightly.

"Maybe I don't even want to be that anymore" he sighed getting up.

As badly as I wanted to get up to chase after him I knew it wasn't going to do any good. I kept to myself the rest of the night until everyone got home. Up until they point I never left my room.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I love Kade and Brinley together but I needed a break from them so she can move onto better things.

Shoutout to our new character ashlee5757 .

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Yes I updated very early today which means I should hopefully have two more chapters out today.

Make sure to comment and vote bye guys.

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