Double the trouble

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The new house had me feeling all these good vibes for some reason I'm not sure. Kade and I have made up so there is no bad blood between us but I think Chance and Kade have some bad blood. Anyways Jake spun the drama wheel and of course it landed on Chance so now they are heading into the office to talk about the drama.

Jake POV

"So still" I said setting down my camera.

"Well - Brinley and I are dating" he started off.

"I also think that Anthony has a girlfriend" while all this information that Chance is giving me is good I really want to know what's going down with him and Kade.

"Are you and Kade good?" I asked intrigued by his answer.

"Um I feel like there is some tension but like I don't hate him I don't think he hates me" he shook his head.

Brinley POV

while Chance was talking to Jake I went to see what Kade was doing. "Who ya texting?" I asked sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Just Takiya" he smiled.

"Cool -" I said getting cut off.

"Are you still not talking to her?" He asked turning his Body facing me.

" I was a bad bestfriend to her I don't deserve her" I said.

"Dude she always talks about how much she misses you - even if you got mad one time you guys have been bestfriends for like 10 years" he said.

I pulled out my phone and opened up my contact list. I went straight to takiya's name and clicked the message button.

To : T 😻 - hey, it's been a while and I'm sorry for everything that happened when you were visiting. I shouldn't have treated you like I did. I was jealous you and Kade were hitting it off. I miss you and I hope you won't stay mad at me to much longer.

I waited about 30 minutes until my phone buzzed signaling I had a text message.

From : T 😻 - omg Brinley, I've been wanting to talk to you for the past 2 weeks but could never get the courage to. Of course I accept your apology. I miss you too. And I hope you aren't mad at me when I tell you that Kade and I are dating.

To : T 😻 - alright well I have to go but text me later.

I picked up my body and walked to my room and saw Tessa sitting on her bed.

"Hey" I said emphasising hey.

She must not have heard me because she didn't respond back. "Bigs news guys" Chance said bursting into our room.

"Anthony's girlfriend is here" he said after I gave him a confused look.

Tessa and I filed downstairs ready to meet this girl. Next to Anthony I saw a pretty girl. She had brown hair and perfect teeth. I stood slightly behind Chance with his hand on my waist. "Guys this is amber my girlfriend" Anthony said.

He was stuttering at first I could tell. He must really like this girl. I looked behind me and saw everyone else from team 10 all huddled around looking at amber and Anthony. I stepped forward and held out my hand. "I'm Brinley" I smiled and then stepped back.

"I'm Tessa" tessa said stepping forward doing the same thing I did.

The air was a little tense but within 5 minutes we were all warmed up and we were all getting along. "So amber where are you from?" I asked.

"LA actually I've been here my whole life" she smiled.

Anthony POV

god this girl is beautiful. She is smart, nice, funny and amazing. Every time I looked at her I came to a whole new level of happiness.

Chance POV

My first reaction of amber was she was pretty and nice but like I have a girlfriend so I can't say that but she's pretty cute.

"I have a good  idea - why don't we go on a double date" Brinley smiled looking at Anthony, amber and I.

Amber clapped her hands in happiness while Anthony and I just went along with it.

"When?" Amber asked.

"Tonight if no one is doing anything" Brinley said once again.

We all shook our heads yeah that we didn't have anything going on.

Brinley POV

So I decided to go on a double date. Probably not my best idea but it was something and it makes t look like I'm trying.

I decided to wear a BDG striped bodycon t-shirt dress. I left my hair straight and put on .more makeup than usual. I walked downstairs and instantly felt eyes on me. I turned around seeing that those eyes belonged to Chance. I smiled and pulled him into a hug. Since he was taller after the hug he pulled head under his chin resting his chin on my head. I laughed and pulled him out back where we had a little couples photo shoot type thing. I picked out one of them that I liked and edited it and posted it on my InstaGram saying:

Double date tonight = double the trouble and twice the fun ❤.

It came time to leave so we all filed in an uber (chance, Anthony and amber) and headed to dinner.


"So how do you guys know Anthony?" Amber asked in between sips of water.

"We've all been bestfriends since we were like 13" I smiled answering the question.

I excused my self from dinner and went to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror for 4 solid minutes thinking. I looked down at my phone noticing a couple of text messages from people.

From : T 😻 - hey can you talk?

Of course I couldn't because I was on a date so I just replied with not right now and moved on to the next message.

From : Brother bear 🐻 - how's it going??

To : brother bear 🐻 - it's going good thanks for asking.

I looked at the rest of my messages and then went back to the dinner. "So earlier you asked how we knew Anthony - how do you know Anthony" Chance said the moment I returned.

I took a seat in my chair and Chance arms slid around my back. "Well I was at the mall and I just happened to see this little cutie and he saw me and made a move" she smiled.

Small talk was made rest of the night and eventually ended up going back to the house. "Tonight was great" I herd amber say.

Chance and I both turned and watched as Anthony bent down and kissed amber. I'm not much of a person for PDA so I looked away. I went up to my room and changed into pj's and then up my ladder to my bed. I layed down and began editing the vlog footage from today


Sorry it took some time for this chapter to come out.

I've been doing sports 5 hours a day.

Don't forget about my new book called toxic lips

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