Beach date (announcement please read)

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"Welcome back to the vlog - so I'm whispering right now because Tessa is still sleeping and it is 6:45 am" I whispered into my vlog camera.

"I'm up so early because I have so much to do today - I have to go get my hair re died again - back to blonde and I'm a little upset but whatever" I said climbing down my later with my vlog camera in one hand.

"But yeah let's get the day started" I said and then waved my camera up to the sky of my room.

I walked into my closet and picked a basic halter crop top with some light blue denim ripped jeans. I then walked into my bathroom and applied light makeup. I didn't want to over do it because I was going to set and they are going to do my makeup. I quitely walked out of the room and down to the kitchen. I grabbed a pre workout drink and headed out to the hair stylist.

I was so happy with my hair back to blonde. It made me feel so happy and I loved the bleach tone it added. After my hair I headed to photoshoot destination one which happened to be a studio. "Alright guys so I'm headed to the first location and as you can see my hair is back to blonde" I said running my hands through my hair.

I got to the studio and listened to what I was doing. Before I knew it, I was thrown into hair and makeup where I had a half up half down hairstyle.

After that I went to the other 2 locations. After that I headed back to urban outfitters not only was I looking for furniture I was also looking for more clothes to fill my closet. I got a couple jewelry boxes since I'm getting more into makeup along with a couple of picture frames. I got a couple outfits and then headed back to the house. "Who wants to work out" I shouted walking the door.

"I'll go" Chance said raising his hand.

I ran up to my room and got changed into my workout attire. We went to workout and it was amazing. I got in a good ab workout that was much needed. "You know what we haven't done in a million years" Chance asked.

I turned my head towards him and began walking backyards listening to what he was saying. "What" I questioned.

"We've never been to the beach alone together - we go with with everyone but never alone" he said.

"Is this your way of asking me on a date" I blushed in a joking matter.

"Yeah" he blushed back jokingly. I nodded my head and we continued home to find that no one else is here.

I got my bathing suit on and a couple towels. I brought my photography camera to hopefully get some good sunset pictures.


"Okay guys so chance are at the beach right now and I wanted to tell you guys some stuff" I said holding up my vlog camera.

I carried it over to the sand and dig the tripod into the ground making it stand up. I sat in front of the tripod and waited for chance to sit next to me.

"Alright I wanted to talk to you guys on a more serious on like what has been going on in my life and all that - so for starters Chance and I are dating. I hope I can get this video out before Jake can but he actually has footage of us but yeah - second of all were really happy - so please like don't throw shade towards chance or to Anthony or to anyone for that matter - things have been a little stressful lately - with us moving and all oh and if you want to see me do a house tour give this video a thumbs up - but yeah that's pretty much it and back to Brin with the vlog" I said.

I got montage shots of the beach and the beauty it contains. "It's so pretty" i said looking at the setting sun.

"So are you" he winked. I laughed and turned towards him.

I pecked him on the lips and we watched the sun as it set.


"Alright guys back at the crib today has been absolutely amazing but I think I'm going to sign the vlog off here - if you guys enjoyed give this video a thumbs up - peace" I said and then turned my vlog camera off.


Short chapter today but big news.

Soooo I'm thinking about doing another book, maybe have Alissa violet have a sister and have a lunch interest in Jake. Comment if you think that is what I should do.

Please guys lol. Love ya guys thanks so much for 7.5K views.

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