New york vibes

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"Hey guys welcome back to the vlog today is intense because I'm going to New York today- with team 10 of course we'll just - nick, chance, Anthony, Jake, Tessa Erika and Kade along with the Martinez twins but yeah" I smiled into the camera.

I'm super excited we're going to New York because we're also meeting up with a whole bunch of friends including Takiya and Ashlee and Lydia.

I finished packing which took forever because I forgot how to pack for some reason. Tessa was finished packing as was Erica, Chance, Anthony, Kade, nick and the Martinez twins. All of us were packed and ready to go except for Jake of course. "Kids come on we're gonna be late for school" I said planting a skit in my vlog.

"Sorry mom" each of them said as they exited the house to the uber.

"Wouldn't that be kinda weird ya know since like-" Chance said pointing to himself and then to me.

"Oh cuz ya know we're DATING" I yelled both at him and my vlog camera.

"And wouldn't that be weird because I'm your brother meaning I would come out of your-" Jake started before I slapped him the face.

"My vlogs are PG" I shouted and then pretended to spit on him.

I compiled my bag and then got in the uber. We got an uber SUV so there was enough room for all of us. I was sitting next to Chance and Anthony was on the other side of me in the separated seat with Jake. In the second row is nick and the Martinez twins and Tessa and in the last row is Kade all by himself. The uber driver was boring because we were all basically passing out from the lack of sleep we all had.

To : T 😻 - hey are you and Kade okay?

From : T 😻 - I thought I liked him, he thought he liked me. We both didn't like each other so we split

I was stunned by the news and dropped my mouth letting a sigh escape my mouth waking Chance up.

To : T 😻 - oh my god are you talking to anyone right now?

From : T 😻 - I was going to start talking to Ivan but I think he has a girlfriend 😩.

To : T 😻 - im sorry T well if they break up I'll text you I'm heading to the airport rn gotta go.

I slid my phone into my pocket and and hopped out of the car. I grabbed my bag and we filed into the airport. We probably looked so sketchy because it's like 10 people all going in together and we got a lot of looks. We passed through security, Jake was stopped again as per usual. Tessa and I got coffee from Starbucks as per usual, I got an iced caramel macchiato.

I pulled out my vlog camera and began vlogging. "Guys so right now we are getting on the plane in about 10 minutes and it's gonna be super fun and yeah" I was stopped from vlogging when I herd a couple screams / squeals behind me.

I turned around and saw some fans. Jake and I went over to them as did the Martinez twins, Tessa and erica. "Oh my god I love you guys so much" one girl said hugging me.

"You guys are my life" another girl said and hugging Jake.

We smiled took pictures and put them in the vlog. Then we went back to our seats and waited for our plane to call us. Finally it was time to board and that's exactly what we did. I took the window seat and Chance sat in the middle and Anthony sat on the end. Tessa and Erica sat together with nick the Martinez twins sat with Kade and Jake had a whole row to himself.


"Wanna watch a movie?" Chance whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he opened up his laptop and we began watching clock stoppers. I slowly felt my eyes begin to close until they were finally closed and I was asleep.

Chance POV

she is so beautiful sleeping. "We have reached our final destination please have a wonderful trip" the flight attendant said, but Brinley was still not phased.

"B- B we're here" I said lightly tapping her.

Her eyes slowly began to open and a small smile crept onto her face once she saw me.

Brinley POV

We got off of the plane, grabbed our bags and headed to the hotel. We only got 3 rooms because we thought that is all that we needed.

1. Tessa, Erica and I
2. Kade, Chance, Anthony, Jake
3. Ivan, Emilio, nick

"Alright guys so right now we are in New York sorry I didn't vlog that much but I think we're going to meet up with some friends later" I said and then put my hand over the camera.

Once we got to the hotel I changed knowing that it was colder in New York. This time of year it wasn't snowing but it was still folded than LA. I slid on a Raglan sleeve sweater with ripped jeans and my converse. Tessa changed into a crop top sweatshirt with black jeans and Erica changed into a deep V sweater with black jeans as well. Once we were ready to tour New York we next door to jakes room.

"Jake come on lets go" I groaned collapsing on his bed.

"Okay hold on I can't find my-" he said patting himself down before he felt something in his pocket.

"Found it" he laughed and we all filed out of his room.

Then we all went over to the Martinez and nicks room and soon enough we had 10 people touring around New York. We occasionally stopped for pictures and food because every five seconds someone was hungry.

- 2am -

I didn't notice the time at all until I looked down at my phone for the first time in 5 hours seeing it was 2am. "Guys I'm really tired I think I'm gonna head back to the hotel" I yawned.

"Yeah same" both Tessa and Erica said at the same time.

The guys nodded as did Chance and with that we went back to the hotel and went to sleep.


Lot of chapters today on this book and 'toxic lips'.

Hope you enjoyed next chapter we will be introducing a couple more characters.

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