Your not alone (sad warning)

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Today is huge. Today we are doing a meet and greet with some fans and then heading to an event and then tomorrow we are heading back home.

I dressed myself for the meet and great wearing a contemporary off the shoulder white too with regular jean shorts and vans. I straighter my hair and put on a white flower crown that I bought in the gift shop a couple of days ago.

I walked over to the kitchen where I saw Tessa making breakfast for all of us. She was dressed and ready to go in her crushed velvet crop top with white jeans and black Pumps. Her hair was curled and her makeup was done perfectly. "Morning Tess" I said grabbing a cup of coffee of the counter.

"Morning Brin" She said turning around while smiling at me. Tessa finished making breakfast and then called everyone to the table to eat.

Since Tessa and I are ready already we have to wait for the guys to get ready which is going to take them a million years. "Oh my god guys I totally forgot Takiya is coming to town soon" I cheered spinning around in my chair.

"Whose Takiya?" Kade asked.

"My best friend from Ohio" I said getting cut off by Jake talking.

"And also my ex" he sighed.

Jake and takiya used to date for a while when we lived in Ohio but they broke up because things just weren't working out for them.

"Who broke up with who?" Tessa asked.

"Hey today isn't about me and we have things we have to do" Jake said avoiding the question.

He turned around and strutted away acting like he was hurt.

We all laughed got ready for our meet and greet. One fan handed me this letter that inside said.

( sad warning / this point and beyond )

Dear Brinley,

I don't know how you do it. You live with 5 guys who are constantly not giving you a break. I don't love them any less I just wonder how you do it. I aspire to be as strong as you one day because at the moment my parents are fighting constantly and I'm not sure what I can do about it. I don't have friends that I can lean on like you do. I've tried so many times to end what I'm going through but the only thing making me stop is you. Every time I get a tweet notification saying you tweeted something means that your my reason im living. I hope you can show your other fans that what I'm going through can be saved. You are my inspiration. I love you so much. Xoxo


I was extremely touched by the letter that was given to me. Never have I been given something with this much meaning. The thought of me saving people from their problems means the world to me. I was happy but at the same time in a less happy mood. I wanted to make this girl happy and prove to her that other people are going through what she is going through.

"What's wrong?" Emilio said noticing me on the side away from everything.

"I saved a girls life" I smiled I was in the middle of crying and laughing.

"That's a good thing right" he asked pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah it's an amazing thing" I sighed rubbing my nose.


We had some free time before our next event so while everyone else went out for food I stayed at the house.

"Hey guys it's Brinley and today's video is not my typical video - I'm normally not so melancholy but for this video I have to be" I said into my camera.

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