Birthday presents

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"Finally home" I yelled throwing my bags down on my arms up.

I walked straight down the hall into my bed and collapsed on the bed closing my eyes.

--- ( different day )

I woke up to loud banging and the sound of drilling. I got out of bed rubbed my eyes and walked down the hall. "What are you guys-" I started before Chance cut me off by wrapping his arms around my waist and turning me around so I couldn't see what was going on.

"Chance what are you doing?" I said trying to get out of his grasp.

"Just go back into your room" he said walking me into my room.

"What are you doing-" I demanded.

"Can you just wait 5 more minutes" he asked.

"No" I said raising my voice and walking out of my room.

I approached the kitchen and then walked the step down to the backyard. " SUPRISE " everyone yelled.

I didn't know who everyone was exactly until I looked up from my phone immediately dropping it on the ground shattering my screen.

Tessa          Logan
Erica           Chad
Jake            Emilio
AJ               Ivan
Tristan        Nick
Chance       Mom
Anthony      Dad     

All here like a family reunion. They were all holding balloons and flowers. "Happy birthday" Jake said pulling me into a hug.

"Guys this is awesome thank you" I said once out of jakes hug.

"Anything for my little sister" Logan said pulling me into a hug.

The backyard was decked out in birthday celebrations. Streamers were hung from the Ramada. "Lets do presents" Tessa said clapping her hands.

I laughed and walked under the ramada where all the presents were. "Anthony go first" Tessa demanded.

Anthony went over to the table and handed me 3 bags. In the first bag contained a new perfumes from Chanel ( les exclusifs de Chanel ) along with a new chance and Anthony phone case and a Sephora gift card for $50. The second bag contained 3 movies ( titanic, moana and Romeo and Juliet ). The third bag was a book filled with pictures of us from when we were younger til now. "Anthony I love it thank you" I said pulling him into a hug.

"Anything for you cracker" he whispered in my ear as we broke away from the hug.

"Me next" Tessa said grabbing 4 bags from the table.

She handed me the first one which was a Chanel box and inside was a pair of pilot summer sunglasses. The next box had a pair of concert tickets to see Sam hunt. The third box was a couple of new outfits and in the Forth box was a $100 gift card to Starbucks. " I didn't even know they made them in $100" I laughed hugging her.

"They don't I had to convince them" she laughed.

After that was my mom and dads present which was a new charm bracelet. On the bracelet was a mom charm, dad charm, Logan charm, Jake charm and a paw print charm. "Awe I love it thanks guys" I said hugging my brothers and parents.

The Martinez twins got me a $20 gift card to Starbucks, Erica got me 2 new makeup palettes, nick got me a free pass to touch his hair, chad got me a meme board with a whole bunch of memes, AJ got me a new guitar along with a pic, Tristan got me a diary, Kade got me a new tripod and ring light.

"Ok my turn" Chance said.

"Close your eyes" he smiled taking me hand.

I closed my eyes and waited until I was presented with my gift. "Open"

I slowly opened my eyes seeing a board similar to the one that chad made me but had a bunch of pictures of Chance and I together. It was like the one Anthony got me but his was a book and this is a poster. "Chance - I love it" I said feeling a hot tear slip down my face.

He cupped his hands on my face a placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you" I whispered into his ear.

His eyes lit up and he repeated it back to me. "Now my turn" Jake said.

He slid a team 10 bandana over my eyes not allowing me to see. "I swear to god if it's an animal I'm gonna kill you" I said as Jake walked me somewhere.

"Ok for this we have to drive" Jake said.

Jake POV

I led Brinley to the team 10 bus. Kade, Chance and Anthony tagged along as well. The car ride was longer than anticipated. "Are we there yet?" Brinley asked bringing her legs up to her chest.

"A couple more minutes" Chance reassured her.

The present in getting Brinley is part mine and part hers. What I mean is that we are getting 2 one of which is hers and one of which is mine.

"We're here" I said joyfully.

We got out of the car and walked towards the shelter. "Alright take the blindfold off" I cheered.

She tore the blindfold off and fell to the ground and began crying. "Jake" she cried running up and giving me a huge hug.


What do you think it is??

New chapter hopefully out tonight maybe tomorrow depending on some stuff.

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