Please forgive me,

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The warm sun hit my face waking me up. I slid off of my bed and tried avoiding. I herd the loud thump that I made and it woke me up even more. I. Looked at the girls Tessa was on the bed and Erica was on the air mattress I slowly walked passed them not wanting to make anymore noice then I already did. I grabbed my phone and walked down to the kitchen. I pulled out a sticky note from a random drawer and began writing my note.

Dear reader,

I'm not sure who this will be reading this but hey what's up. Look I'm not dead or anything just needed some time away. Don't look for me I'll be back before you know it.

Much love,
Brinley ❤

I set the note on the fridge and compiled my slip on shoes. My outfit was basic, still my sleeping clothes. I walked down the street we were staying on, took a turn and kept walking for around 20 minutes until I saw a sign for Starbucks. I walked inside and ordered a venti Carmel frappe. I pulled out my laptop and edited my vlog from yesterday. I was undecided if I should put in moments between Chance and I. I left a couple in but not all.

From : house squad

From : Tessa 😍 - I think you broke my back this morning (Brinley)

From : Brother bear 🐻 - yo Brinley where are you?

From : Erica 🌺 - hey babe where are you?

From : Anthony 💯- were worried about you.

From : chance 😉 - please just tel is your okay.

From : me - did none of you people read the note on the fridge??

From : brother bear 🐻 - the note doesn't help with anything just tell us where you are!!!

From that point on I stopped responding to the group chat. I grabbed together all of my things and the remainder of my drink and began the 20 minute journey back home. I walked in the house and all eyes were on me. Tessa and Erica came towards me first giving me a hug. Then Chance and Anthony hugged me. Then Tristan hugged me. Kade even hugged me and lastly Jake. "Don't let the frog bite" he whispered in my ear.

It's a saying we used to say in Ohio for some reason. I wasn't sure what exactly he was referring to all I knew was it was something about me. I walked down the hall to our room and began getting dressed for the final day of Coachella I put on a a floral crop top surpassing the boobs and then stopping. Then my shorts. To bring in the Coachella feel I wore my follower crown and added jewels to my face.

I walked down the hall to the living room and saw that everyone was gone. "Why does this always happen to me" I muttered to myself sighing.

"Your not alone" I herd from behind me. I turned and saw Kade in his overalls all Coachella ready.

"I thought you weren't talking to me" I said turning back around so I was no longer facing him.

"Actually you should be the one not wanting to talk to me" he said going around the island so i was looking at him.

"Why is that?" I asked

"I said some pretty harsh stuff to you that I didn't mean and I'm sorry" he apologized.

I laughed trying to clear the awkwardness out of the room. "I shouldn't have said the things I said to you and I'm so so sorry and I really want you to forgive me because I miss you" he begged.

I could tell he was being honest because the way he was talking. "Do you still talk to her- Takiya?" I asked

He nodded his head and opened up his phone revealing a picture of them together and a picture of their conversation. "I miss her" I smiled trying to stop my tears from escaping.

"She misses you too" he said showing me a convo between them where they were talking about me.

"God damn this sucks" I said whipping my eyes.

He laughed and pulled me into a hug.


I pulled myself to together and made it to coachella. I don't know why but Anthony kept eyeing me the whole time. I was confused why but didn't really think much about it.

"Why did it take you so long-?" Chance asked over the loud music.

"I got caught up" I laughed over the music.


Today's chapter is short but next chapter is going to be the best chapter. I promise.

It's going to start off in real time but then go into a flash back. It's going to be emotional so be ready.

Should be out tonight or later today. Love ya guys thanks for 5.8k.

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