Ex boyfriend tag

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Okay so we leave today and I'm really upset but before we leave we are having a whole family breakfast with mom, dad, Jake and Logan and it's gonna be so fun.


We told Jake last night that we wanted to move to LA and he was super down and said we could come live with him and team 10 at the house.

I was so overwhelmed with all the happiness in my body that I completely forgot that today is everyone's last day here. Brinley, Jake and Logan are going back home today.

Brinley POV

"So when are you guys coming to visit" Jake said eagerly holding the vlog camera in mom and dads face.

"You'll have to see" mom teased. The waiter came by and took our order.

"So Brinley how's it going with Kade?" Mom asked breaking right through the ice.

"Great - yeah j-just great" I said trying to not draw attention to the situation.

"That doesn't sound very convincing" dad said cutting in.

"Well when Jake told everyone he was gonna be on Disney we weren't convinced and here we are" I smiled sipping my water.

"Who is taking you guys to the airport?" Mom asked.

The boys and I all exchanged looks. "Are you fucking serious" I said throwing my head in my hands.

"Oh my god I'll be back" I said getting up from the table and making my way outside.

"Hey chance - big question - Logan and jake didn't think about our ride to the airport so we don't really have a ride would you be okay taking us to the airport" I said pulling up his contact in my phone.

"Yeah sure don't sweat it" he said and then ended the call.

I walked back into the restaurant and sat back down at the table. "Chance is giving us a ride to the airport your welcome" I smiled rubbing my hands together.


After breakfast we went back to moms house until it was time for our flight.

"Honey can I talk to you for a second" mom asked opening my door.

"Yeah" I said sitting up.

"Today during breakfast I asked you about Kade - and I want to know what's going on" she said sitting next to me.

"We got into sort of a fight and I'm not sure what's happening" I sighed slapping my face on my pillow.

"Honey everything is going to work out don't you worry" she smiled kissing my head.

Just as I was about to go into another convo with mom I heard Chance walk through the door. Just as I was about to speak again I herd my phone vibrate from the other side of my bed. I picked it up and saw a text from the one and only Kade.

From: Kade 🔥 - hey, I'm really really sorry for what happened the other day. I was blowing things out of proportion and shouldn't have taken it out on you.

To: Kade 🔥 - it's okay. We both said some things we regret and I'm sorry too.

From: Kade 🔥 - are we good 😂😂

To: Kade 🔥 - yes we are good lol who is picking us up from the airport?

From: Kade 🔥 - Me, I have to go to a meeting I will see you when you land ❤.

I smiled setting my phone down. I dug my pillow into my face and started smiling profusely. "I take it everything is good between you two now" mom laughed pulling me into a hug.


Our flight is leaving in 3 hours meaning we need Leave in one hour so we can go through security and all that, also meaning that even though we should leave in a hour we're going to leave in two hours because the boys are dumb and don't know how to manage their time.

"Hey guys welcome back to the vlog I'm starting a little later in the day just because nothing really happened today - I went to breakfast with the fam that's about it but yeah I'm packing right now because we're leaving to go back home to LA in like an hour so yeah" I said into my vlog camera.

I set the camera down and began doing a time laps of me packing my bags. Once I was done I grabbed my camera and went downstairs and grabbed a snack. "Oh hey chance" I smiled putting my camera on him.

"So the Brinsters know we used to date and they said the next time I came to Ohio we had to do the Ex boyfriend tag" I said.

"Yeah sure I guess" he smiled. We grabbed a couple of chairs and sat down at the dining room table.

"Hey guys welcome back my channel its Brinley here with Chance" I smiled

He waved at the camera and we started the video. "So basically are doing the ex boyfriend tag today and we will be answering some question based on our previous relationship" I said.

I told Chance everything we were doing and yeah.

"Okay so the first question is, how long did we date for?" Chance asked.

"And when did we first start dating?" He continued.

"We started dating when we were sophomores in high school, for 3 years" I smiled and smacked the table lightly for a victory feel.

"What was our first date?" I smiled and gave a mysterious laugh knowing he would probably forget.

"Well at first we went snowboarding and then we went to the Columbus zoo" he said smacking the table for a victory.

"God damnit" I said under my breath.

"What was my favorite name that I called you?" He asked smiling

"Bunny" I smiled remembering all the memories.

"And now for the two part finale we talk about why we broke up and then we have to kiss" I grinned.

"Okay so what was your take away from our break up" Chance said leaning back in his chair.

"Ok so for me I think the reason we broke up was because I was moving the LA and the whole long distance thing wasn't really in either of our favors" I said.

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah same" he said.

"So now for the last thing - we have to kiss" I said turning towards him.

We both leaned in and let the kiss engulf us both. It was a simple 5 second kiss with one second of tongue.

We both pulled away and began laughing. "Alright guys well I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe Paix dehors" (peace out) I said and then ended the YouTube video.

"Oh crap we're gonna be late" I said grabbing my phone and looking at the time.


So this was a very very long chapter. By far one of the biggest chapters I've ever produced.

Next chapter will hopefully be out tonight. But like yesterday it probably won't.

Love ya's Bye

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