Heart break (sad warning)

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So we're back from coachella hanging out in the team 10 house. I hear a knock at the door but no one does anything. "Ok I guess I'll get the door" I mutter to myself getting off the coach.

I walk to the door and open it up revealing my mom and dad. "Mom - Dad" I yelled engulfing the both of them in a massive hug.

It's a big deal when my parents show up together to things because one their divorced and two they aren't the friendliest when their together. Jake came over from off the couch pushing me aside to get to mom and dad.

But it didn't take more than 20 minutes for them to find something for them to fight about.

-- flashback--

The front door slammed shut making my 8 year old self jump up from my floor. I slowly walked out of my room and peaked through my stairs and watched my parents fight. "You think you know what's right for them" dad shouted over mom.

"I do actually" mom said pushing dad back against the island.

"Brinley" Logan whispered trying to pull me back from my observations.

"This is never going to end is it?" I cried into his chest as he carried me into him and jakes room.

"I don't think so" he said rubbing my back.

At this time I was 8, Jake was 10 and Logan was 12. Logan ran things around the house and always kept us in check even though he wasn't much older than either Jake or I.

Every night after that the same door slammed shut and the same tears released from my eyes.

It continued for 2 years until it ended. For that the last time was the worst time. The door slammed harder than ever before leaving it broken just like moms heart. After that day I never knew who to put my trust into. The only people in my life I trusted was Jake and Logan.

-- flashback over --

"Brinley- Brinley" I herd.

My body couldn't move or do anything. I was looking down through the stairs as I did when I was young watching my parents fight. "Brinley" Jake whispered shaking me.

I still didn't respond.

Jake POV

Brinley still wasn't responding. I picked her up and carried her into my room and locked the door. I knew exactly what was happening to her. Anxiety attack.

She used to get these all the time as a kid especially around the time of our parents divorce and them constantly fighting.

When Brinley was having a panic attack not much could bring her out of it. Only one thing could really chance.

Before they were dating they were bestfriends he always came over when Brinley couldn't sleep and always made her better.

To: Chance 👨🏼‍🌾 - i need you in my room now.

Moments later he was knocking on the door to come in. I let him in and he instantly ran to Brinley knowing exactly what happened. He took her hand and began whispering things in her ear.

Chance POV

After walking in I knew what was wrong. Another anxiety attack. I took her hand "hey - hey don't cry" I whispered in her ear.

"The dove doesn't cry - its to beautiful to cry" I said.

I always related her to a dove because she is majestic like one. I felt her grasp on my hand tighten meaning that she was coming back.

"Doves are to majestic to cry" she whispered in my ear.

She was back. The girl I fell in love with when I was 10 was back. I hugged her for what felt like forever.

Brinley POV

I regained myself and got myself under control. "Thank you" I whispered to the boys and then left jakes room and went down the stairs, seeing my parents still fighting. "Never fails" I mutter grabbing a water from the fridge.

From their I went into my bedroom and locked the door. I sat in silence sipping down my water and glancing through my photos on my phone. I placed my phone and water on the side table and pulled out my laptop. I pulled up realtor.com and got to searching for homes.

Not sure why but just felt it was coming sooner or later.

From : Chance 💩 - you okay?

To: Chance 💩 - yeah, do you want to watch a movie with me?

From : Chance 💩 - of course.

Within seconds his shadow appeared holding a huge bear. Like the big ones at Costco. "Chance Sutton" I laughed hugging him through the huge bear. I put the bear in the corner of my room and slid my computer back onto my desk leaving my bed with only sheets and pillows on it. I turned on my string lights and turned off my main lights. I turned on my TV and went to Netflix. We layed down and began watching pretty little Liars. I felt my eyes close and before I knew it I was dreaming about being in a flower field.


I woke up to the feeling of moving on my bed. Forgetting Chance slept in my room last night I began to panic before realising. "Don't go" I whispered pulling him back down.

"If I don't leave everyone will know we're together" he said back.

"I don't care anymore" I said laying my head on his chest.

It must have worked because after that he didn't move. He just layed in bed for another 2 hours with me.


The next chapter most likely will be out tomorrow.

Sorry for the sad chapter.

Next chapter will feature:

- new house
- drama wheel

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