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Today we leave Hawaii. I'm happy but sad at the same time because Takiya is coming tomorrow.

We put all of our stuff in the car and began our journey to the airport. I told Jake not to tell anyone what went down last night just because I didn't want everyone worrying about me especially Kade. The only people that know are Tessa, Jake, Nick and Emilio and I want to keep it that way.

As we were heading through security Jake got stopped because of our drone which was supposed to be in Kade's bag but was to big.

Then when Kade went through he got stopped because of the cologne. Tessa and I went through no problem as did everyone else. "What is up Jake Paulers starting the vlog off at uh 6pm" Jake said looking down at his imaginary watch.

"Way to go loser" I cut into frame.

"Hey do something savage for camera" Emilio said taking the camera from Jake and putting it on him.

"Guys stop your going to get us kicked out of the airport" Tristan said through his teeth.

"Wouldn't have been the first time" Tessa and I said at the exact same time.

"Ayeee" we changed dabbing and doing our hand shake.


"Hey guys sorry I haven't been vlogging that much we went on our flight and now we're back home in la. As per usual the house looks like crap - so I need to clean it and then finish editing my main channel video" I said into my vlog camera.

I unpacked my clothes and managed to clean the entire house without managing to fall asleep on the couch. I woke up to a vibration coming from my phone.

From : Takiya 👯 - on the flight la you boo 💗💗

From : Takiya 👯 - yo where you at I landed.

From : Takiya 👯 - omg are you sleeping through all of these messages.

To : Takiya 👯 - omg I totally forgot and slept through everything.

I set my phone down and hurried to my closet grabbing out an outfit.

Jake POV

Takiya texted me a while ago saying that she wanted to prank Brinley which I'm down for. Basically when Takiya booked her ticket she told Brinley much later than the actual time so she just texted Brinley freaking out that she wasn't at the airport getting her when in reality I'm with her right now getting ready to surprise her.

Brinley POV

I was in the middle of putting my shouts on when I herd a knock on the front door. "Can someone get that" I yelled hoping someone was home but of course not.

I ran down the stairs opening the door seeing Jake. "You know you have a key right" I rolled my eyes letting the door stay open while I walked away.

"Yeah but Takiya doesn't" my eyes instantly shot back to Jake who was now Takiya standing in the door frames.

"T" I yelled jumping into her arms.

"I missed you so much" I said almost squeezing her to death.

We broke away from our hug and made small talk while we waited for everyone to get home so I could introduce them all to each other.

Group chat : house squad

From : me - when are you guys gonna be home.

From : Tessa 😍 - about 10 minutes with Nick right now getting coffee along with the twins.

From : Kade 🔥 - right around the corner

"Okay so everyone should be home soon 10 minutes tops" I said setting my phone down and climbing on the counter.


"Honey I'm home" Kade said walking through the door dropping everything in his hands.

"Kade this is Takiya, Takiya this is Kade" I smiled wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Your boyfriend" she smiled eyeing him up and down.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Mom were home" The Martinez twins said walking through the front door along with Tessa and Nick.

"Takiya this is Tessa, Emilio, Ivan and nick" I said pointing to everyone.

"I have to go run a couple errands but I'll be back" Kade said kissing my head.

"Oh hey can I come with you I have to grab a couple things from the store Takiya said eagerly standing up.

Kade looked at me and then back at takiya "yeah sure" he said with caution.


"Hey Brinley can I talk to you in the office" Nick asked grabbing a hold of his computer from the dining room table and walking into the office.

I nodded my head and walked into the office and then closed the door and locked it. "Yeah what's up" I asked sitting my desk chair taking a 360 spin around.

"Are you and kade okay?" He asked closing his computer.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"He just seems a little distant from you lately - that's all"

"Is there something you know that I don't" I questions sitting up.

"No no not at all" Nick was scared I could tell it was like having a taser to him but not that bad.

"Tell me" I said gritting my teeth.

"Did you know that takiya and Kade used to know each other" he asked.

Kade is from Michigan not from Ohio how would they know each other? "What do you mean?" I asked taking a gulp of my water.

"And I think they used to date to" he said lowering his voice.

I couldn't believe what I was being told. Was nick telling me the truth or was he lying to me.

I fiddled the crown/ diamond necklace that Chance got me around my neck through my fingers, something I always did when I was nervous. "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded my head and got up from my chair and exited the office. I changed into my work out clothes and went to the gym. When I got back from the gym I saw Kade and takiya sitting at the kitchen together watching videos on Kades laptop.

"Hey Kade" I said giving a cheeky smile before grabbing a water and walking back up to my room.


Fast chapter but a good chapter I think. The drama is getting heated so far between Takiya and Brinley.

If you are going to comment your name to have a chance in my book please keep in mind that I already have dates for the following people.


Comment if you want to be in my story and be involved in



Or a random friend (first come first serve plz don't be upset if I put your character in and then get rid of your character after a couple chapters)

Bye guys new update tomorrow evening and or night.

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