"There gonna find out eventually"

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Day two of Coachella is today and I have made the decision of not going for day two. Today is going to be spent with my girls and then a huge team 10 dinner. "Drama wheel landed on you" Jake said walking into Erica, Tessa and i's room.

"Who?" I said pointing to all 3 of us. He then pointed to Erica and then they walked to the backyard.

Jake POV

I grabbed Erica and took her to the backyard to spill all the tea hopefully trying to get something out of her about Brinley and Chance considering they have been spending quite a lot of time together lately. 

"Okay so for starters nobody has been doing shit around the house" Erica started off.

"Like honestly Tessa, Brinley and I are the only people that clean up - oh and with your new friends staying with us every mess around the house is going to be times 2" she said rolling her eyes.

"Speaking of Brinley do you have anything to say about her?" My curious brain said and thought out loud.

"Not really no- her and Chance have been really really close lately but that's about it" she said as she began to get up.

"Do you think there dating?" I asked making her sit back down.

"You know your sister better than I do" she smirked and then she got up and walked away back into the house.

I grabbed my vlog camera off the tripod and walked back into the house. I went to Brinley's room but she wasn't their. I then went to Chance's room and he wasn't there either. "Where are they?" I asked Anthony as he passed me.

"Who knows" he said fiddling with the strings on his sweat pants. I texted them telling saying their an emergency team 10 meaning at the house.

From : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - were still here lol. Use your brain 🤦🏽‍♀️😂.

To : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - can you and chance just come inside please.

From : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - who says I'm not inside 😏?

To : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - can you guys just coming to the kitchen please?

From : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - ugh yeah.

Brinley POV

"Jake wants us downstairs for a team 10 meeting" I cried.

"Good thing I'm not part of team 10" he said kicking back pretending his was laying back in a chair.

"Come on" I said holding my hand out.

He took my hand and with that we went to the kitchen from the hiding place. "Okay we're here" I said giving Jake a fake smile as we approached the kitchen where he was sitting waiting for us.

"Hey favorite sibling" he said nervously slinging his arm around me.

"Um who else is there to choose from - Logan" I laughed

"So Erica landed on the drama wheel this morning and was telling me that you guys might be dating" Jake questioned us.

Chance and I looked at each other and shook our heads no in unison. Chance and I agreed to wait a little longer to tell people mostly because we wanted to see if we could really make it work again. I knew we could since we had done it before but Chance was a little bit nervous I think. "You sure" Jake asked shoving the vlog camera in my face.

"Yes I'm sure now leave - go to Coachella do whatever your doing" I said pushing him away.

"Hey guys I'm starting the vlog off later than usual but today is going to be really fun because Tessa, Erica and I are having a girls day instead of going to Coachella" I said to my vlog.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water while still recording on my vlog camera. "I'm going to miss you at Coachella today" Chance said wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"No you won't" I laughed turning my body towards him hugging him.

"Hey Chance lets - oh uh" Jake said making Chance and I seperate fast. It wasn't until I noticed Jake had his vlog camera I actually freaked out.

"Jake" I said slowly walking towards him.

"You guys are a thing I knew i knew it" he chanted pacing back and forth in joy.

"Jake please don't say anything" I begged.

"Um no it's definitely going in my vlog" he laughed.

"Why do you do this?"

"Why don't you want people knowing?" He questioned over me.

"It has nothing to do with that" I fired back.

I didn't want to fight with Jake about this but we all have things we don't want in the vlog and this is just one of the things. "People already think you guys are dating what difference does it make" he asked.

"Jake bro just please don't put it in the vlog" Chance cut in saying for the first time.

"Alright whatever but there gonna find out eventually" he said and then walked away.


The guys left for Coachella and Tessa, Erica and I began our girls day. We got our nails done, went shopping, went to the beach.


Today was long but good for the most part. I vlogged some more and edited some main channel videos. All in all today wasn't that bad.


Okay guys so I love showing you guys like cute outfits and stuff so if you want comment yes and a store and I will tell you guys in seperate chapter the clothing that I like. I don't know why but I just love clothes lol.

Today's chapter got really spicey. I hope you guys enjoyed if you did comment and vote.

Love ya's

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