Coachella ( your gonna wanna read )

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Jake POV

I was looking through my email today when I came across an Email from coachella.

Dear mr. Paul,

You are a growing phenomenon and we would be honored to see you at our 2017 Coachella. Please let us know if you are interested and how many tickets you will be needing.


I double checked the email making sure it was real and believe it or not it actually was. It's such an honor being noticed from Coachella. "Martinez twins come in here" I yelled.

"Guys do you wanna go to Coachella" I said loudly before realizing I should keep quite because I want to surprise everyone. "Oh yes but uh Jake you have a text message" Ivan said pointing at my phone.

From : chance 👨🏼‍🌾 - guess whose moving to LA ?!?!

To : Chance 👨🏼‍🌾 - are you serious bro when?

"The door" Kade said making me set my phone down. I walked over to the door and opened it.

" THATS MY BOYSSS" I yelled seeing my boys in front of me.

"Chance bro" I said bumping chests with him and then doing the same to Anthony.

"Where is everyone?" Anthony said peeking around the house.

"Well the twins are here - Kade is here oh you haven't met Kade - Kade this is Chance and Anthony" I said pulling Kade out from the office.

Kade POV

So this is the guy that Brinley ditched me for wow. He's not that bad looking but I think I'm a close second.

Jake POV

"Oh and Brinley is out running errands" I gave the boys a house tour and showed them around everywhere.

"Hey Jake I've got to head out - catch you later" Kade said and then walked out the front door. "Do you guys wanna pull a prank on Brinley?" I asked getting on the trampoline that was currently resigning in our living room.

"Of course what are we doing?" Anthony said rubbing his hands together.

"Well not much of a prank more so a present - Brinley hasn't been in the best place lately and she really needs a break so I'm gonna give her Coachella tickets and we're all gonna go" I said.


I emailed Coachella saying that I wanted 7 tickets and they sent me link to print out the tickets. I printed the tickets and slid Brinley's into an envelope.

To : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - when are you going to be home?

From : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - like 5 minutes why?

To : Brinley 👩🏼‍🎤 - I wanted to grab dinner but I'll wait til you get home.

"What is up Jake paulers - so Brinley my sister is going to be home in about 5 minutes and I'm going to do something nice for her - I got her a ticket to Coachella and if that isn't good enough I also have her bestfriend" I said pointing the camera to Chance.


I set up a GoPro next to the front door along with on the stairs and 2 in her room. The plan is to have Chance sitting on her bed with dozen Gerbera flowers (her favourite) with the Coachella envelope.


Brinley POV

I went to dance with Tessa for about 5 hours today and then we separated to do our errands.

I pulled into the driveway and got out of my car. I walked inside and saw Jake sitting on the stairs messing with something on his phone. "Hey brother" I said setting my bag down and giving him a hug.

"Hey can we go eat?" He asked

I nodded my head and began getting up, "I'm gonna go change really quick" I said running up to my room.

Chance POV

My heart began racing when I heard the front door open. "I'm gonna go change really quickly" she said.

Then I herd footsteps growing closer and closer until the door opened. I sat in dark waiting for her to turn on the light.

Brinley POV

"CHANCE" I yelled. He set down his things and picked me up spinning me around and then setting me down on the ground.

"Are these for me?" I asked picking up the flowers and then envelope on my bed.

I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me eagerly waiting for me to open the envelope. I took the paper out of the envelope and observed what was in front of me. "Coachella tickets" I screamed hugging Chance one last time.

"Jake got those for you actually" he said breaking away from the hug.

"It's okay" I said pulling him back into a hug.


"Hey are we still going to dinner?" Anthony asked popping out from my closet.

"Oh my god guys this is awesome thank you so much" I cried group hugging with everyone.


We got dinner and headed back to the team 10 house just in time for a twin fight between Emilio and Ivan. "What's the issue now?" I said dropping my bag and pulling Ivan away from Emilio.

"He told Ashlee I wasn't interested" Emilio said swooping his hair with his hand.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because I don't have anyone" Ivan said putting his head down.

"Boys boys - were going to coachella there are going to be so many girl don't worry" I smiled putting my hand on their shoulder

"Wait we're going to coachella - when?" Ivan said lifting his head up smiling.

"Hell yeah and this weekend" I accidentally cussed. I only cuss really when I'm alone or with Jake and the family.

"Alright well I'm tired so I'm probably gonna kick it" I smiled running my hand through my hair.

"Oh one last thing we kinda need you to switch rooms" Jake said with a smile and beg across his face.

"Why" I groaned.

" where am I going to go I can't go take Erica's room and not tessa's room" I questioned throwing my hands up in the air.

"You and Tessa can share a room" Jake said shrugging his shoulders.

"Can we please wait to do this until we get back to coachella we're planning on movie anyways right?" I groaned once more.

"I guess your right - whatever go to bed" he said pushing me away.

I hugged everyone in the house and then went into my room and fell asleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Going to try to get another one out tonight hopefully if not tomorrow morning.

Continue asking me questions because I want to answer them.

Who else is happy that Chance and Anthony are back?

Who is happy that Chance and Brinley might rekindle their romance?

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