New york vibes pt.2

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"Goooood morning Jake paulers" I herd loudly right in my ear.

"Bro you have a room why are you not in it" I groaned throwing my pillow at him.

"Get up we have to go" He said yanking the covers off of me.

I groaned and cursed under my breath but proceeded to get out of bed realizing that both Tessa and Erica were up already. Knowing they were up and ready to go gave me anxiety so I hurried and got ready. I put on a black long sleeve shirt and black shorts. "Welcome back to the vlog guys today we are meeting up with Takiya, Lydia and ashlee" I shouted into my camera.


We all filed into the SUV uber and began our journey to where we were meeting up with the girls. "T" I yelled hoping out of the van running straight into Takiya's arms.

"How are you" I smiled.

Chance POV

Before our car had even stopped Brinley jumped out at the sight of one of her bestfriends. Which just so happened to be takiya. Once I looked past Takiya I saw Ashlee standing and talking to Emilio. "Who's that" I said to Anthony pointing to a girl talking to Kade.

"Oh yeah that's Lydia she's pretty cool" he smiled and then went back to texting Amber I presume.

Jake POV

While everyone was catching up I ventured off by myself. "I'm so sorry" I said feeling my shoulder collide with someone else.

"It's okay" a beautiful voice said.

I helped her up and looked into her beautiful eyes. "My name is Jake by the way" I managed to get out.

"I'm Celia" she said still smiling.

I wanted to take my vlog camera out in this moment but it's not a good idea I thought to myself. I didn't want to ruin any chance I had with this girl. "So are you from here?" I asked picking up one of her papers that had fallen on the ground.

"Yes actually been living here since I was little" she said once again with her smile.


Brinley POV

"Jake lets goo " Anthony yelled walking into our room.

"You guys have your own room for a reason - leave -" I said grabbing a towel twisting it up and hitting them with it.

"Guys lets go" Chance said walking through the door just as the boys were about to leave.

"Get out" Tessa yelled taking the towel from my hands and hitting each of the boys with it.


"I need your help" Emilio said pulling me aside as we are walking down the street.

"What's wrong?" I ask lowering my voice.

"Ivan and Katey got in the biggest fight even"

I didn't know what to say. Katey and Ivan have been inseparable with each other but since he came here from Barcelona things have been hard for them.

"Emilio there is nothing you can do about it - it sucks but if I'm being honest I think Takiya has a thing for Ivan" I said pulling him into a hug.

"For real" his eyes widened.

"Yes" I laughed as we continued to walk behind the group.


"Hey" I said jumping on chance's back.

He grabbed onto my legs so I didn't fall and began to carry me the rest of the way. " do you want me to get some transition shots for your vlog Brin" Kade asked.

"Can you?" I asked pulling my camera out of my purse and handing it to him.


" Jake we haven't done with drama wheel yet today" Anthony said.

"Once again you guys are in our room" I groaned throwing a pillow at Jake.

"Guys welcome back to the vlog sorry I didn't vlog that much but yeah - so now Jake is going to spin the drama wheel" I said into the vlog.

Jake put all of our names into a random name generator and it landed on me.

I walked with Jake to the kitchen and began talking. "So got anything to say about anyone" Jake asked mysteriously.

"Not really - oh well I saw you talking to a new girl yesterday" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him.

He sighed and let me continue to talk. "You and chances one month is coming up soon right" he said behind the camera.

"Yeah" I smiled feeling my cheeks burn.

"You gonna do anything special for him?" He asked.

To be honest I haven't even thought about it yet. As much as I wanted to do something amazing for him I didn't know what to do.

"Any drama related things at all aside from our love lives" Jake joked.

"Erica is fed up with you guys because you don't clean up your messes- oh and Anthony has a girlfriend" I laughed.

"Well yeah I knew that but the vlog didn't" he said turning the camera towards himself and then wiggled his eyebrows.


* knock knock *

I looked around and no on was going to go open to door so I went over and opened the door and saw the girl that Jake was talking to the other day.

"Uh Jake its for you" I said stepping aside so Jake could see her.

He ran over to her and began talking and whispering while we all just sat in silence. I walked over to Chance and sat right next to him and put my legs on his lap. I pulled out my vlog camera and tried zooming in the best I could on Jake and his mystery girl.

"Guys this is Celia, Celia this is Chance, Anthony-" Jake said continuing on with all of our names.


Sorry I know I promised a whole bunch of chapters this weekend and I'm going to try to get some more out tonight.

I have a bunch of new characters I have added in the story and yeah.

Thank you guys so much for 10k it means so much to me and thank you for all the positive comments you guys give me.

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