Moving ?!?!

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The whole day everyone had been oddly nice today kind ove weird but I'm rolling with it.

One of the reasons I came back to Ohio aside from seeing the fam was that I got an offer to do a photo shoot for a new clothing line. Fun thing is about the shoot is that they need me to dye my hair. "Hey guys welcome back to the vlog today I'm getting my hair dyed" I started off my vlog by saying.

I explained why I was dying my hair and then showed them my outfit which consisted of a simple t-shirt dress. "Peace out guys" I said opening the front door.

"Wait where are you going?" Jake asked racing up the stairs beating me to the door.

"Getting my hair dyed and then going to a photo shoot" I said blaitenly moving past Jake.

"You okay?" He asked stopping me once more.

"Oh my god yes I'm fine can I go now" i was now annoyed.

He slowly moved aside leaving me a straight path to the door. I walked through it and towards moms car. I got in and drove to the hair barber. "Alright guys so I'm at the hair barbers now - yeah this is the last time you will see me with blonde hair" I said ruffling my hair with my hand.


(On the phone with Tristan)

"So how are you feeling about coming home in two days" Tristan said into the phone.

"Sad but happy because I miss the Martinez twins lots" I laughed into the phone.

Tristan laughed back and we made more small talk until I was finally back at moms house. "Alright Tristan I'm gonna let you go I just got home" I said taking my keys out from the ignition.

"Alright peace" he said and then ended the call.

I walked in the house and instantly felt eyes on me. "Hey chance" I smiled running my hand through my hair.

"You hair looks really good" he smiled shyly. I thanked him and walked up to my room and grabbed my outfits for my photo shoot.

"Where did my brothers go?" I asked seeing Chance and Anthony just chilling on the couch.

"They went to Greg's house" Anthony said in between sips of his drink.


The photo shoot was amazing and so much fun. "Alright guys I just got done with my photo shoot so I'm gonna head over to my dads now because I haven't seen him at all since I've been here" I said into my vlog camera.

I pushed my camera to the front of the dashboard hoping it would stay up so I could vlog me doing a little talk while driving.

Finally I reached my dads house and I was so happy to see him. "Father" I shouted walking into the house.

"Hey honey" he said running from the couch and hugging me.

"How are things going?" He asked

"Great" I smiled.

We talked for about 3 hours until I got a text from Jake.

From: Jake 💯 - hey we're going out to dinner are you coming.

To: Jake 💯 - yeha I'll be at the house in 10 minutes.

"Hey dad I would love to talk to you more but I'm gonna go to dinner with the boys" I smiled grabbing my purse.

"Oh yeha of course honey have fun love you" he said kissing me on the head.


"Wow breakfast and dinner in one day - wow you boys treat me right" I laughed slinging my arms around Jake and Logan.

"Don't get used to it" Jake said twisting his way out of my grasp.

"Wow rude" I said back and went over to Chance and Anthony.


Dinner was great and very filling. After dinner we went back to the house and started watching movies. We had a movie marathon and about 5 movies in I looked over and everyone was asleep accept for Chance.

"I'm gonna go get water" I mouthed to him trying not to wake up the boys.

Before I got up Chance was already standing and walking towards me, "I'll get one with you" he smiled and then walked to the stairs.

I sat on one counter top and he sat on the island straight across from me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm great" I said starring off.

Chance POV

When brinley went to see her dad and get her hair died I went back to Anthony's and i's apartment.

"Are you for real about moving to LA?" Anthony asked as we walked in.

"There are so many opportunities there" I smiled.

"Well if we go we're either gonna have to pay to get out of this apartment or go when it's up" Anthony said back.

"How much longer do we have?" I asked walking into my bedroom.

"I think like couple of weeks" Anthony said back.

"I can wait a couple of weeks" I said raising my eyebrow walking into Anthony's room.


Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter will probably get another upload out tonight so yeah love ya's

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