Everyone knows

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Mom and dad have been here for about 4 days and I'm kinda over it. They haven't been fighting I just can't really get any alone time which sucks. "Brin we're gonna go look at the house you coming" Jake asked from his room.

"Yeah let me get ready" I replied.

OOTD (outfit of the day) :

Stripped crop top
Denim white shorts
Clear fake glasses
Straight hair

I pulled out my vlog camera for the first time in 2 days and began vlogging. "Lets go" nick said.

Nick, Jake, Kade, Chance, Anthony, Erica, Tessa, Emilio, Ivan and I all pilled into the team 10 van and began our car ride to the house we were going to look at. The house has 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms.

Bedroom 1: Jake
Bedroom 2: Tessa and I
Bedroom 3: Erica
Bedroom 4: Nick
Bedroom 5: Martinez twins and Chance and Anthony

Within the house is an extra basement decked out like a man cave which is most likely going to be turned into chance and Anthony's room. We made the choice to get the house which made me happy. I was finally okay with everything going on.


We headed back to the team 10 house and began packing together all of our things. Tessa and I finished packing our rooms and began helping everyone else. It took 10 trips and 14 hours but we finally moved all of our things to the new team 10 house.

Jake places his prized team 10 light up wall hang thing in one the 2 living rooms in the house.

Tessa and i's room is my favorite by far. Our bedroom had an upstairs. Well not really there is a ladder that goes up to a built in bed section.

Tessa's bed is across from mine underneath like where the desk is

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Tessa's bed is across from mine underneath like where the desk is. Basically facing the closet and ladder up to my bed. "Tessa do you want to go to the store with me and get some stuff for the room?" I asked.

"No" she laughed collapsing on her bed.

"So just me" I laughed grabbing the keys to the team 10 bus.

"Jake wanna go to the store?" I asked walking down the hall to his room.

"Nope ask the twins" he was to focused on his room to evaluate my question.

I rolled my eyes and walked down another hall to the Martinez twins room. " do you guys wanna go to the store with me" I asked leaning on their door frame.

"I will" Emilio smiled.

That why I love this kid. "Going to the store with Emilio" I said and then left the house to the team 10 bus.

Careless Whisper | team 10 FF | #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now