The fight

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I was dreaming about a sunny get away when out of no where it started pouring rain. I was woken up by the feelings of getting wet. "What the hell?" I screamed looking at Jake and Logan who had poured a bucket of water on me.

"Come on sis have some fun" Jake said giving me a fake laugh.

I groaned and got out of bed and took a shower. I blow dried my hair and curled it. Since it was a colder day in Ohio I put on black ripped jeans with a grey sweater and beige cardigan.

"Mom what's for breakfast?" I asked sitting on the counter island.

"I think the boys are going out for breakfast if you wanna join them" she smiled.

"Ok" I smiled and walked down to the basement where all the guys were.

"When are we leaving for breakfast?" I asked swinging around the stairs.

"In like 10 minutes" Logan said.

I groaned and walked back up to my room and waited for a while.

Text convo

From : Kade 🔥 - morning B

To : Kade 🔥 - Morning Kade

From : Kade 🔥 - got any time for a call?

To : Kade 🔥 - I wish lol going to breakfast, text you when it's over.

" Brinley were leaving" Chance said tapping on my door.

I smiled and walked out with my phone in my hand. We got into moms car and made our way to breakfast in the car I sat in the middle in the back with Chance on one side and Anthony on the other.

"Hey what's up Vlog so right now I'm here in Ohio with Chance - Anthony and of course my brothers" I said point the camera to everyone as I said their names.

"We are on our way to breakfast so I will catch you guys when we get there" I smiled and put my hand over the camera.

On the way there I made small talk with Anthony and Chance.

"So how is LA?" Chance asked.

"It's great the wheather is amazing" I smiled.

"Is there anything you miss about Ohio?" He asked again.

" friends and family" I sighed.



I sat next to Chance and Logan. My phone kept buzzing I would assume from Kade and someone other than me noticed. "Dude you guys should totally move to LA with us" Jake said in a joking matter but I could tell he was secretly being honest.

"Maybe one day" Chance said looking down at me.

I smiled and ate my breakfast.


"Do you guys wanna do a photo shoot?" Jake asked

We all looked at each other and slowly nodded.

I grabbed a couple outfits that I could change into between photos. We walked down the street to the park and snapped a couple pictures. We then went to a white wall and took some more pictures. For the pictures on the white wall Jake, Logan and I took a sibling picture requiring me to pyramid with Logan and Jake on the bottom and me on the top. After that I took a picture with just Anthony and one with just Chance.

Instagram picture : Logan, Jake and i's human pyramid

Caption : I'm the queen of the family 👸🏼.

I posted my picture and what was done was done. I also posted the picture of Chance and I and captioned it : just 2 ohioians.


"You coming" Logan asked opening up my bedroom door.

"Yeah I'll catch up in a minute - I gotta take a call" I said giving him a reassuring fake smile.

"Hey Kade" I said into the phone.

"Look I don't know why you haven't been talking to me as much but I'm worried about you" he said back into the phone.

"Woah woah hold on what am I doing wrong I'm literally hanging out with my family is there something wrong with that" I said loudly into the phone.

"I'm sorry but Chance is not family I know your guys past"

"Our past means nothing - you of all people should know about pasts" I said back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Figure it out" I said and then ended the call.

Chances POV

"Our past means nothing - you of all people should know about pasts" I herd Brinley say from her room.

I stayed and listened like a stalker, "figure it out" brinley screamed.

After that she was silent. She didn't say anything else that I could hear anyways.

I decided I should leave her on her own for a minute and let her cool off.


Thanks so much for 300 reads.

Do you guys thing brinley and Chance should date or should she go back to Kade COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS

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