Getting over it

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I watched the video on Brinley's camera along side the cops. They looked stunned as they then shoved her camera into an evidence bag. "What did you guys find?" I asked peeking over their shoulders.

The view was blocked so I couldn't see much. "We're going to need to barrow miss. Paul's camera there is sensitive information considered evidence"

I nodded and checked back in with everyone to see how they are doing. "Jake you okay" I said walking over to him on the couch.

"This is stupid - we were just trying to have a good day and then all this shit happens - it's just fucking stupid" Jake said lowering his voice.

"I agree have you talking to Brinley about it?" I questioned.

"No she doesn't need this right now" I said.

Chance POV

"So what are we supposed to do officer just go on with our day and pretend like this never happened?" I said hearing a flexation in my voice making me calm down.

"That's not what we're asking - we ask you be patient in our efforts to find whoever did this" his voice was subtle almost as if he was used to giving this speech.

Brinley POV

"Brin you have to come out of your room at some point" Kade said knocking lightly on my door.

"Go away" I demanded whipping the tears coming down on my face.

"Brin don't shut me out" he said trying to open the door but it was locked.

"I just want to be left alone" I said climbing down from my bed.

"You never want to be alone especially with all this going on" he sighed.

"Things Change" I said opening the door and bumping shoulders with him as I passed.

"What is going on with you?" He questioned.

"As if enough shit hasn't been going on - my birthday was yesterday and this happens - my parents come back to town and can't help but fight - want me to keep going" I yell.

I feel a new pair of eyes looking at me. I turn and see mom and dad. My eyes fill with tears as I run out of the team 10 house. "Brinley wait" mom and dad call back but I don't listen.


At the beach it is silent - at the beach it is warm and breezy for clearing my mind. I've been here for about 2 hours and haven't check my phone yet. Of course when I do I have 10 messages from Jake asking where I am, 5 from Chance, and 2-3 from everyone else in the house. The only person that didn't try to contact me was Kade.

From : Erica 🌺 - can you please come home I'm really shook up, you can hide in my room if you want so no one knows your home.

To : Erica 🌺 - I just might take you up on that, I'll be home in a little gonna stop at the store. How is Tessa doing?

From : Erica 🌺 - shook up I think she went over to Tristan's.

Me : good for Tessa getting the hell out of that house 🙄.

From : Erica 🌺 - we'll hurry home love you.

Me : love you too

I shoved my phone in my back pocket as I approached the store. I went in got a couple go pros and other stuff.


Entering the house was like a funeral everyone was walking around so idly and morbidly. "Hey" I lowered my voice upon saying.

There eyes lit up as they turned towards me. Chance walked slowly towards me embracing me with a comforting hug. He whipped the tears from my face and let me cry on him. "Im sorry sorry I left" I smiled.

"Don't be sorry" he whispered pulling me back into a hug.

I coughed knocking myself out of it and showed everyone the go pros that would always be recording. "We didn't vlog today" I said shifting my hands to my head.

"Do you expect their to be vlogging when all this is happening" Jake asked.

"It's every day bro even when all this is going on" I smile walking into the office and grabbing a camera from our stash.

"Hey guys welcome back to the vlog - today isn't going to be much of a vlog though considering it is night time - I'm gonna tell you guys what's going on right now" I said into the camera.

I sat down in the office chair and put the camera on the table. "So last night someone was the house - I don't have any footage - yet the cops took so they could evaluate it and I'm hoping they don't wipe it off afterwards" I said laughing at my comment at the end.

"But yeah Jake vlogged a little bit of it so I'm probably gonna put a couple of clips in here from his vlog - but if you want to watch the whole video I will link it in the description - we have no idea what happened or anything surrounding it and initially we didn't even want to vlog about it but that's the only thing going on right now and without that and us talking about it there would be no content" I said into the camera.

"But yeah I'm gonna try to lighten the mood in the house" I grinned grabbing my tripod.

"Team 10 meeting" I yelled walking down the stairs.


Sorry for the short chapter.

Ending this book soon probably only like 2 more chapters and then a new book about team 10 again.

Comment who should be the main focus in my next book.

Careless Whisper | team 10 FF | #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now