Chapter 1: Pilot

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For eight years Reyna Martin has lived within the solitude of her jail cell. She was allowed to leave for meals on certain occasions such as Unity Day, but other than that never. This is because she is a convict.

At the age of ten she brutally murdered a guard because he floated her parents and little brother. She was left heartbroken and had no control over her anger, in one quick decision without thinking she robbed one of the guards gun and shot him in the knee, as he dropped she went up to him and shot him in the head. After they found out it was her they arrested her, locked her up and told her they would float her when she reaches the age of eighteen.

It's been eight years and finally the time has come for her to be floated. Little did she know her brother was still alive and they were both going to be sent down to earth. 🌏

Edited: Yes


I hope you liked this. This is just some information for the story before we start so... bye 😘
Word count: 185

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