Chapter 23: Finding Octavia Part 2

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Finn, Bellamy, Jasper, me and Riley lead the group through the forest, as we followed the footprints.

You would have thought a grounder would have hid there footprints better.

Soon enough we stumbled upon a pathway with human skeletons surrounding it. Everyone froze on the spot.

Some of the skeletons had rotting flesh hanging off them, creating a deathly smell.

"I don't speak grounder but I'm pretty sure this means keep out," Finn breathed out.

"Let's get out of here, this is crazy!" Someone yelled.

"Same, I'm out of here!" Another person added on. More people began to back out.

"Go back if you want," Bellamy said. "My sister, my responsibility."

I grabbed his hand and held it as I walked forward, pulling him along with me towards the grounders territory.

"Rey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I love Octavia, I'm not gonna leave my friend out there. O assumed your coming to since it's your sister." I said. Bellamy looked shocked but never said nothing.

"You coming to find O?" I asked. Bellamy smiled and nodded at me. "Good, let's go Blake."

We walked along the skeleton littered pathway hand in hand unaware of the events that were just about to begin.


The sky got brighter as morning approached.

Everyone was still on edge from the fact that we were trespassing on grounder territory.

Finn let out a sigh, "I got nothing. We lost the trail."

"Keep looking!" Bellamy snapped. I gave his hand a squeeze and looked up at him.

"We'll find her," I said.

"Wandering around aimlessly isn't going to find your sister. We should backtrack," Finn said.

"I'm not going back," Bellamy glared at him.

"Hey, where's John?" A girl questioned from behind.

We all stopped and looked back to see that the boy was in fact gone. He was nowhere to be seen in the crowd of teens.

"I just saw him a second ago," Jasper frowned, glancing around.

"Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far," Bellamy instructed.

"No," I snapped. "We're in grounder territory. Do you really think it's a good idea to split up?"

"I..." before Bellamy could finish something dropped to the ground with a heavy thud.

We all looked to see John laying there dead. His neck was slit open and blood was pooling out.

Everyone crowded around johns dead body as I looked up to see where the body had come from.

Something flickered in the corner of my eyes. I looked at one of the trees in the corner to see a person with a mask on.

"The trees," I stated, keeping my eyes on the figure.

"We shouldn't have crossed the boundary," one boy said.

"Can we go now?" A girl asked from beside him.

"There!" Jasper shouted pointing off into the distance. More of the figures began to appear, rushing through the trees.

"There's another one behind us!" Someone shouted.

"Run!" I yelled as I grabbed Bellamy and pulled him along.

My legs burnt as my feet continuously pounded against the dirt. I kept forcing myself to run even though my breathing was heavy and uneven.

If I stopped I would die and if I didn't stop we would lose the trail to Octavia.

"What are we gonna do?" Someone shouted. "They keep cutting us off!"

"Easy, we keep running!" I yelled as we carried on.

"I can't keep running!" Jasper yelled back as his pace slowed down.

I released Bellamy's hand and slowed down my pace as I ran back to Jasper.

"Piggy back?" I asked as Jasper frowned. "Do you want a piggy back?"

"I don't think you'd be able to pick me up." Jasper said through harsh breathes. "I'm heavy."

"And I'm strong," I said laughing as I knelt down a bit for him to jump on my back.

As soon as he got on I began to sprint as fast as I could, knowing it was the only way to keep both of us alive.

"Reyna, there no longer behind us," Jasper said.

I glanced behind us to see they weren't there. "They were trying to lead us to a trap," I whispered as I came to the conclusion.

"Where'd they go?" Finn asked.

A scream echoed through the air. "After Roma," Bellamy muttered as we began to run to the noise.

"There she is!" A girl yelled as she ran to an arm that was hanging from behind a tree. "Roma!"

We all stopped around the body to see a spear extended from Roma's body.


Edited: No

I know I'm dragging the Finding Octavia part along but it's a good storyline and a lot can happen for Reyllamy 😉

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 789

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