Chapter 14: Jasper awakens

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When I exit the drop ship after checking up on Jasper, I head to my tent.

"Hey. Where have you been? And What the hell was that?!?" A voice sounded. I turned around to see Bellamy scowling with his arms crossed.

"What was what? And I've been to see Jasper." I said.

"Don't play dumb. The whole my hands are tainted with blood and yours aren't. How do you know? And that song, what is it?" Bellamy questioned.

"Wow let's play twenty questions!" I replied sarcastically.

"Don't avoid the questions Rey," Bellamy said.

"Fine it's just I've killed someone and you haven't. How do I know, well you looked terrified to kill Atom. And the song it's something I heard from my cell. A girl next to mine liked to sing." I explained. "Is that all Bellamy Blake."

"You only call me Bellamy Blake when your pissed with me." Bellamy stated.

"Shouldn't I be? I killed someone for you so don't be guilty. I just want to sleep and get it out of my system." I shout.

"Hey! Look what I saved for you." Finn exclaims as he jogs over with a glass bottle in his hand.

"What's this?" I asked, taking the glass bottle from him.

"Whiskey, I found it and..." before Finn could finish his sentence I gulped down the whole bottle.

"Smooth!" I stated laughing. Bellamy scoffed.

"Great now she's a drunken angry girl." Bellamy said. I laughed and patted his chest. "I'm not drunk Bell, just lightly buzzed."

"Arghh god! Come on let's get you to your tent." Bellamy said as he wraps his arm around my waist and swoops me up.

"This is uncomfortable," I whined.

"If you weren't drunk I'm sure you would find it a lot more comfortable." He said, raising his eyebrows in amusement. "What kind of drunk are you then? Angry, sad, happy or Horny?" He laughed.

I glare at him. I hear chanting and laughing from inside the drop ship so I jump out of Bellamy's arms and leg it inside.

"JASPER!!!!!" I screamed, happily. I ran over to him and engulfed him into a bone crushing hug.

"Rey! What the... " Bellamy shouted running into the drop ship. "Jasper!" Bellamy gasped.

"Thank you for not dying today, I don't think I could have taken it." I sighed.

"I think I'll try not to die tomorrow too or any other day for that matter." He stated chuckling.

"Welcome back to the land of the living!" Octavia announces as she comes over to him and hugs him. I move away and stand again feeling less drunk.

"I'm gonna go catch up on some sleep." I stayed before walking out of the drop ship and to my tent.

A hand grabs me as I near my tent and they pull me inside. They zip up the tent and put a hand over my mouth.

Hello I hope your enjoying the story if not then why did your read up to chapter 14? 💋Btw this is a filler sorry!!!

Well anyway I have another account and I want it for writing fan fictions. It's going to be a joint acc so if anyone wants in message me and I will pick 3 or 4 people. Aka editor, writers and cover maker.

Edited: No

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘
Word count: 555

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