Chapter 13: Returning to camp

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I woke up in the morning to find his arm wrapped around me and my head in his chest.

I carefully lifted my head up to see if he was awake. I look up at him and his eyes are just fluttering open.

"Good morning princess." Bellamy said smirking. His voice was husky and deep. It was sexy though.

"Finally your awake. Do you mind?" I cough pointing to his arm around my waist.

"Oh yeah, sorry." He said laughing as he removed his arm. "Do you think the fog has passed over now?"

"Yeah I mean it's been a whole night stuck in a cave with you. A nightmare!" I chuckled.

"I'm not that bad if you chose to confide in me about your scar and waking up with you lying on my chest. I think I see a bit of drool." He said pointing to where I was just lying.

I scoffed and hit him in the chest. "Don't lie to yourself Bell, your not that drool worthy."

"You said that drool worthy meaning you find me at least a bit drool worthy." Bellamy smirked.

"Sweety, your attractive but not my type. Find another innocent girl to prey on." I smirked.

"I like pissing you off though." He said smiling evilly. I glare at him. I straddle over him and sit on his chest.

"I like this position." Bellamy chuckles, smirking.

"Not happening Bell." I get off him. "I wonder where your knife has gone. Hmmmmm....." I start laughing.

Bellamy quickly checks around for his knife. "Oh you sneaky little shit!" He grabs me and starts tickling me.

"Aha! No Bell! Oh my... stop I can't breath!" I shout chuckling.

I hear Charlotte laughing, "Charlotte Helllpp me!" I shout, laughing. I pull the knife away from him and stretch my arms above my head to stop him from getting it. He stops tickling me and goes to reach for it.

I wrap my legs around his waist and flip him over. "Charlotte take this!" I shout, tossing it to her.

"Ah come on Charlotte, not you too!" Bellamy said laughing. I smirk at him.

"Let's go get the others, Tinkerbell." I said as I get up. I help him up.

"Let's go Charlllll, Belllllll" I said as I skip to the exit of the cave. Both of them grabbing their coats and following behind.

I take a quick glance outside and call to Bellamy and Charlotte, "It's all clear."

Bellamy takes a step outside and calls for the others. "Anybody out here? Jones!"

"We're here!" A distant voice calls. We hear footsteps making their way closer to us and soon they come into sight.

"Lost you in the stew," Bellamy begins. "Where'd you go?"

"Made it to a cave back there." Jones stated, pointing behind him into the forest. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, where's Atom?" Bellamy questions.

Jones shrugs. I take a quick glance around us to see he is no where in sight and neither is Charlotte.

Her scream echoed around the forest. I broke into a sprint quickly, following where the scream came from. As I neared Charlotte I noticed a body on he floor. I stopped running and gasped at the horrendous sight.

Lying their on the floor was Atom, he was completely bloodied and blistered.

"Atom!" Bellamy shouts as he sees the body. He kneels down beside Atom.

I pull Charlotte into a hug to block her from the sight of Atom. She sobs into my torso. I stroke her hair in attempt to calm her down.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Atom gasped. Charlotte pulls out of the hug and pulls the knife that Bellamy gave her. She walks over to Bellamy and holds out the knife to him. She locks eyes with him and nods.

He takes the knife from her hand and glances over to me. I nod in agreement. He leans down to kill him but his hand shakes.

I walk over with him and crouch down, taking the knife from his hand. He looks at me in confusion.

"My hands are already tainted in blood. Yours are not, if I was you I would keep it that way." I explain. "Get someone to take Charlotte away. She shouldn't witness this." Bellamy signals one of his men and they guide Charlotte away, back to the camp.

I bring the knife down to Atoms neck. I hum a tune I heard once from my cell, as I slit across Atom's neck.

I take a deep breath and stand up. I turn around and head straight to camp without talking to anyone or waiting for them.

When I reach camp I head straight to the drop ship. Hopefully Jasper is doing fine.
I'm here to inform you that Chapter 14 will be out shortly!!!! And by that I mean RIGHT NOW MY FELLOW BEANS!!!! 😝 Like OMG 😲 God I'm cringey 😂 oh well that's beans for ya 😉 I'm on holiday again so I only get wifi in the club house will post their though.

Well anyway I have another account and I want it for writing fan fictions. It's going to be a joint acc so if anyone wants in message me and I will pick 3 or 4 people. Aka editor, writers and cover maker.

Edited: No

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 899

My Princess » Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now