Chapter 29: Sibling Arguements

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It seemed like the storm had simmered down overnight so we decided to open the drop ship. The camp was a huge mess. The tents were ripped and hanging from the most odd places.

I made my way over to where Jasper, Finn and Monty were. They were talking and Monty and Jasper had a packet of nuts and were throwing them at each other to see if they could catch it in their mouths.

"Welcome to the land of the living," I greeted Finn as he smiled back.

"Hey," he greeted back. "God, get stabbed with a dagger one day and awake to find everything has gone to hell."

"Meh..." I scrunched up my nose and shrugged.


I spun around on my heel to see Clarke rushing over and waving at me.

"Hey Clarke," I greeted.

"Hey do you mind checking out a supply depot. There might be supplies down there and we could even stay there in winter." Clarke explained.

"Sure," I said, smiling.

"Okay I think Bellamy is in the drop ship." Clarke added on before walking away.

"Wait what?" I asked but she ignored me. I heard laughing behind me as I turned around to see Monty, Finn and Jasper laughing at me.

"Ooh Clarke wants Reyna and Bellamy to have sex so much if she's sending you two and your sexual tension out." Jasper said cheekily.

I glared at Jasper and walked towards him, slapping his head as I walked past to the drop ship.

"What was that for?" He pouted, rubbing his head.

"You know what that's for," I smirked as I neared the drop ship, hearing arguing.

I stood in the doorway of the drop ship to see Bellamy and Octavia arguing,

"Whatever twisted connection you think you have with that animal, forget it." Bellamy spat out. "You don't get to see him. End of conversation."

Bellamy turned to leave but stopped when Octavia questioned. him.

"Why do you even care if I ruined your life? You should want me to go up there. Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll kill me, problem solved." Octavia glared.

"Octavia, you know I didn't mean that." Bellamy sighed, staring sadly at Octavia.

"Let me see him or I'll tell Reyna," Octavia blackmailed.

"Let me see him or I'll tell Reyna," Octavia blackmailed

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I chuckled as their heads whipped round to me. "Tell me what?" I asked.

Bellamy walked with intent to leave the drop ship. "Nothing."

"Tell me."

Bellamy stoped walking and faced me, his face looking in doubt.

"Why are you here?" Bellamy asked, changing the subject.

"The Ark found some old records that show a supply depot not too far from here." I explained. "Clarke wants us to go check it out."

"What kind of supplies?"

"The kind that might give us a chance to live through winter. I'm gonna go check it out." I answered.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Well, because right now, I don't feel like being around anyone I actually like." I answered blandly, glaring at Bellamy.

Bellamy looked down and huffed with a smirk. He glanced up at Octavia and then back to me, nodding his head.

"I'll get my stuff, meet you in ten." Bellamy said. I nodded and turned around, Walking out and gathering my stuff.

"Where are you going?" Riley asked. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him.

"I'm going to check a supply depot out."

"With Bellamy?" Riley spat out.

"Yeah so what?"

"How can you even like him after everything he's done?" Riley questioned.

"You don't even know anything because you've been hanging up Clarke's ass the whole time we've been here!" I snapped. "You don't even know him so you can't judge!"

"Your taking his side once again?" Riley asked, raising his eyebrows. "I should have known."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. Riley just glared and turned, walking away from me.

I grabbed his arm pulling him back around. "What's that supposed to mean?" I hissed.

"Let go of me," he whispered, dangerously low.


"Let go of me!" Riley hissed as he pushed me to the ground and walked away.

I growled and jumped up, running and tackling him down to the ground. "You asshole!" I shouted as I punched him in the face.

I got up off him and walked away, grabbing my stuff and making my way over to Bellamy who was stood getting supplies.


Bellamy and I were walking towards the supply depot. We were getting closer to the area when I decided to speak.

"You know, the first dropship is gonna come down soon." I spoke up. "Pretty sure you can't avoid Jaha forever."

"I can try." He said. "I saw your fight with your brother..."

"The depot is supposed to be around here somewhere. There's got to be a door." I said, changing the subject. "Let's split up but stay within shouting distance."

Before Bellamy could protest I quickly walked away looking around for the depot.


Edited: No

I'm just trying to write this but my mom is being annoying and trying to get me on the bus! The freaking bus at 9am!! I hate the bus cause I'm always the tallest person on it and I'm only 13.

Plus she fought with where bro!! The Martin siblings obviously got anger problems!!! I was inspired by pretty little liars when arias brother pushed the mom over.

Gahhh kill me now. Plus she promises me breakfast and when she finally brings it to me it's some square crusty breads with flat turkey meat inside!
I poked it and was like what the fuck is this!

I added a little pic/gif so enjoy xx

Sorry bout the rant have a good day you special little jelly beans and don't get the bus at 9am! 😔 torture 😂

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 975

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