Chapter 9: Rileys POV

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Monty and me were stationed on the lower level of the drop ship, waiting for Clarke while she searches for supplies above. So far the three of us were the only ones who were on board with going to rescue Jasper and find Octavia and my sister.

As I climb the ladder I hear Clarke talking to Wells. "It's not your ankle Wells it's you." Clarke explains.

"You came back for reinforcements, I'm gonna help" Wells points out.

Instead of listening to him, Clarke strolls past him and towards the door of the drop ship.

"Clarke he's right we need him, so far no one else has volunteered." Monty insisted.

Clarke turns around to us, letting out a sigh. "Your not coming with us either Monty."

"Like hell I'm not! Jasper is my best friend!" Monty shouts.

"You're too important, you were raised on a farm station and recruited by engineering." Clarke points out.

"So?" He asks.

"So food and communication. What's up here-" Clarke places her finger in his head. "It's gonna save us all. You figure out how to talk to The Ark and I'll bring Jasper back."

Clarke nods at me, smiling softly. We head out of the drop ship, running into Finn on the way out. "You ready pal?" I asked.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither should you two. That spear was thrown with pin point accuracy from three hundred feet." Finn explains.

"So we let Jasper die! And Octavia and my sister to get killed too?" I shouted angrily. "That's not gonna happen."

"Spacewalker?" Clarke snorts. "What a joke. You think your such and adventurer. Your really just a coward."

"It's not an adventure Clarke, it's a suicide mission." Finn states.

Me and Clarke walk away over to Bellamy.

"You have a gun?" I asked. Bellamy nodded. "Your a dick for what you did to my sister you know! But we need your help."

"And why would I help you guys?" Bellamy asked.

"Jasper is dying, My sister is out there in those woods and she is not dying because of you! Octavia is out there and you haven't even bothered to go after her! And you say we're the same, protecting family!" I spit out, "family don't give up on each other!!"

"Murphy come with me!" Bellamy shouts. "Your right Riley. She's my sister and I am a dick for what I did to your sister."

We walk in silence for some time.

"Hey hold up!" Bellamy grunts taking his gun out and waving it all about. "You don't survive a spear through the heart."

"Put the gun away Bellamy." Wells said.

Murphy rushes over to Wells and puts him in a choke hold. "Well, why don't you do something about it?"

I walked over to Murphy and patted him on the back. He turned around and I punched him in the nose.

Bellamy chuckled. "You and your sister seem to have great right hooks."

"Do you want me to punch you next?" I asked.

"Your sister already punched me in the face more than once." He states. "I deserves it though."

I rolled my eyes.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him, if the spear struck him in the heart he would have died instantly. It's doesn't mean we have time to waste." Clarke snaps.

"As soon as you take off this wristband we can go." Bellamy said as he grabs Clarke's wrist with force.

"Let go of her." I said growing impatient.

"Listen to the man!" A female voice sounds. I turn around to find my sister and Octavia.

"Hey princess I just want to..." Bellamy said apologetically, as Reyna raises her hand and slaps him cutting him short.

"I don't want to hear your shit leave the wristbands!" She sighed.

"And get your own nickname!" Finn yells emerging from round a tree.

"Finn, hey!" She said grinning stupidly as She ran over and hugged him. "Thanks for interrupting."

"No problem," he whispers, pulling away from the hug.. "Call this a rescue party? You got to split up to cover more ground. Clarke, Wells come with me. Octavia, Murphy, Riley you guys go that way and Bellamy you will go with Reyna that way."

"And I thought you were on my side Finn." She muttered as she walked away. "You coming Bellamy Blake or what?"

"Ooh she said your whole name! Your in deep shit!" I said laughing.

Bellamy glares shooting daggers then turns to follow after her. I walk with Octavia and Murphy. I take one last glance my sisters way and see her arguing with Bellamy.

"Your brother is in deep shit!" I said to Octavia. She chuckled.

"I know, on the way here she planned ways to bunk him off in the night. There was suffocation, sacrificing, gutting him to show alpha dominance or something like that. To be honest it kinda scares the shit out of me, she came up with 82 ways to kill him and that's just in his sleep." She sighed.

"Damn, 82!" I said surprised. "She must really hate him."

Hey I'm thinking of making Riley a book. Maybe about him and Clarke or maybe him being with Raven? 🤔I think it would be cute. Comment or message me some ideas please.✍🏼

Well anyway I have another account and I want it for writing fan fictions. It's going to be a joint acc so if anyone wants in message me and I will pick 3 or 4 people. Aka editor, writers and cover maker.

Edited: No




Anyways buh-baiiiii 😘
Word count: 933

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