Chapter 22: Finding Octavia Part 1

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I sat in my tent, singing because I was bored out of my mind. I felt a rush of cold wind pick up and my curls began to fly everywhere.

"Hey..." I said awkwardly as I looked over to the entrance of the tent. "Bellamy."

"Have you seen Octavia?" He asked.

"No why?" I asked worried now. "Thinking about it, I haven't seen her all day."

"Can you help me find her please?" He asked. I smiled softly and nodded. He put his hand out and helped me get up then we went out to look for her.

"You check the drop ship, I'll check every tent once again." I said. He sighed. "We will find her Bell." I rubbed his arm and smiling to reassure him.

"Okay," he said as he left for the drop ship. I began to search through the tents once again.

Once I finished I looked over to the drop ship to see Bellamy coming out worried.

"Should we make a search group?" I asked. Bellamy nodded.

"Hey everyone! Gather around and grab a weapon." Bellamy said, tossing aside a bag of various weapons.

I reached into the bag and pulled out one of the sharpest daggers and walked beside Bellamy.

The teens all grabbed their weapon of choice and joined around me and Bellamy.

"My sisters been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up." He said grumpily. "Were not coming back without her."

My eyes scanned the crowd and soon enough I spotted Jasper and Clarke.

"I need to do this," Jasper sighed.

"Are you sure Jasp?" I asked. He nodded and Bellamy cut in.

"We need all the people we can get," Bellamy said.

Me and Bellamy walked away from them a bit and he began to speak once again.

"A tracker." He pointed towards Finn's tent. "You should get Finn."

"Alright." I began to shout out to Finn. "FINN GET YER LAZY ARSE UP AND OUT OF THAT TENT!"

Bellamy chuckled a little and soon enough Finn stepped out of the tent.

"Alright yeah I'm coming!" He said as he climbed out of the tent and made his way over.

"Hey look at that!" One of the teens gasped.

We all followed their gaze up to the sky to see hundreds of small bright lights falling to earth.

"It didn't work," I whispered as I felt my throat become tight. "They didn't see the flares."

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked.

"It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to Earth from The Ark." I explained. "This is just what it looks like from the other side."

I didn't know Raven was even here till she began to snap at Bellamy. "This is all because of you!" She sneered as she jumped to attack Bellamy.

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