Chapter 4: Into the woods

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I smile and take a deep breath. I don't think I'll ever get used to the smell of fresh air. Finn walks over picking a bright purple flower and places it behind Octavia's ear. I smirk and nudge her. She just giggles at me.

"Now that my friend, is game." Jasper tells monty focusing on Finn.

"That, my friend, is poison sumac." Monty laughs following the rest of us.

"What? It is?!" Octavia exclaims, quickly brushing the flower out of her hair.

"The flower isn't poisonous, Medicinal. Calming actually." Monty explains.

Jasper chuckles softly, explaining, "His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on The Ark."

Clarke's voice sounds, "Hey guys, would you try keep up?"

"Come on Clarke. How'd you block out all this?" Finn sighs, gesturing around us.

"Well it's simple really. I wonder 'why we haven't seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty though." Clarke fake smiles before turning and walking again.

Octavia leans closer to me and mutters, "Someone should slip her some poison sumac." I chuckle.

It wasn't much longer till Finn started up another conversation.
"I've got to know what you two did to get busted."

Monty and Jasper both look at each other knowingly. "Sumac isn't the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean." Monty sighed.

"Someone forgot to replace what we took." Jasper points out, his head turning to Monty.

"Someone has apologised like one thousand times." Monty replies.

"What about you Octavia? What'd they get you for?" Jasper asks, glancing towards her.

Octavia's silent for a moment before murmuring, "Being born." With that she takes off running towards Clarke's side.

Leaning in towards Jasper, Monty whispers, "That is so not game."

Finn glances towards me. "What about you, Reyna?" Finn questions, nudging me softly with his elbow. "What got you locked up?"

"Long story actually." I said not wanting to go further into it.

"We've got all day love." He says smirking.

"Promise me you guys won't tell nobody or think any differently about me." I asked as they all nodded looking nervously.

"Well," I start, "I watched my parents get floated. And my baby brother. He was only 8." I mumble. "I wanted revenge on the guards. I was 10 years old at the time. Anyways one day a guard came in my room to take me away, he was the guard who took my mother. I remembered that evil smirk. So..."

"Yeah?" Asks Finn wanting to hear more.

"I stole his gun and shot him on the knee. Leaving him to suffer slowly." I say.

"Is that all?" Monty asks, as Jasper nudges him.

"I wish it was." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Let's just say I left him with a bullet in the head. Directly in the middle." I smirk.

"Damn, so you can be the muscles of the group." Jasper states, we all chuckle.

Clarke and Octavia are both watching something. I run over to them and look, standing there is a beautiful deer in a patch of grass.

"No animals huh?" Finn murmurs to Clarke.

I smile. This means maybe life on Earth is possible. If animals can survive down here then so can we. Maybe we won't end up dying due to radiation exposure.

Finn moves in closer, accidentally stepping on a twig which causes it snap, the deer immediately looks up. I jump back out of fright. The deer has another head, slightly deformed with pink flesh and it was looking at us.

Maybe Clarke is right. Earth may not be habitable and we were simply left here to die.

Heya so this chapter is basically a filler because I'm working on my other stories too. At the moment I'm working on five at a time. Each week a chapter or 2 is released for 2 out of 5 of the stories. I'm actually proud of how many I'm achieving at a time 😂 Anyways buh-baiii gorgeous 😘

Edited: No




Word count: 683

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