Chapter 3: We're back bitches

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"Listen," a boy in the back murmurs, everyone listening softly. "No machine hum."

"Woah," another boy breathes out.
"That's a first."

A chorus of unbuckling sounds, I unhook it, then raise out of my seat. Clarke runs over to a boy on the floor.

"Finn is he breathing?" Clarke exclaims, Finn glancing down at the other boy.

He shakes his head softly, a voice from farther away shouting, "The doors are on the lower level!"

Clarke immediately shoots up exclaiming, " No, we can't just open the doors!"

Clarke then takes off, I quickly follow after her. We climb the ladder down to the floor under, a masculine voice being heard. I glance over seeing a boy holding his arms out to a large crowd who's practically fighting to get to the door.

"Hey just back it up, guys," he instructs. I stand beside Clarke.

"Stop!" Clarke shouts as he approaches the lever to open the door, we push our way through the crowd. "The air could be toxic."

"If the airs toxic were all dead anyway," he points out. I nod agreeing with him.

"He's right. It's not like we can stay in here forever without getting food or water. We have to go out, might as well do it now."

Clarke opens her mouth to respond, quickly being cut off when a girls voice sounds, "Bellamy?"

I glance over and recognise the girl is Octavia Blake. She is pushing forward. I don't understand though, how is Bellamy Blake here? He is well over the age of eighteen.

Octavia makes her way to the front, her eyes wide open with shock. Bellamy slowly turns away from the lever, his eyes locked on his younger sister.

"My god, look how big you are." He smiles.

Octavia quickly wraps her arms around him, Bellamy's tightening around her as well. Letting go of Bellamy she looks up and down before demanding, " What the hell are you wearing?" A guards uniform?"

He shrugs. "I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you."

Octavia engulfs him into yet another hug, Bellamy chuckling softly.

She soon lets go though, Clarke's voice being the reason why. "Where's your wristband?"

"Do you mind?" Octavia snaps, "I haven't seen my brother in over a year."

I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest before rolling my eyes.

"Have a problem princess?" Bellamy asks me in annoyance, raising a brow.

I roll my eyes again muttering, "Oh no who am I to interrupt your brother-sister reunion"

"That's Octavia Blake!" A girl cries. "The girl they found hidden in the floor!"

Octavia seems to get very pissed and lunges herself forward at the girl but Bellamy grabs a hold of her.
"Octavia. Octavia, no! Let's give them something else to remember you by."

She finally stops struggling in his grip, turning to face him. "Yeah like what?"

"Like being the first person to step on the ground in one hundred years." Bellamy states smiling softly.

Octavia nods, facing the door while Bellamy wraps his hand around the lever. Clarke's body stiffens, knowing that the air out there could possibly be toxic. Within seconds, Bellamy is pulling the lever down, white air depressurising then before clearing away, a bright light shining onto them.

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