Chapter 11: Saving Jasper

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The light from the flame of the campfire can be seen, Finn and Riley carrying Jasper into camp. A crowd quickly surrounds us, Monty quickly making his way over to me and Clarke. "How is he?"

"Alive" Clarke explains, "I need boiled water, strips of cloth and a bandage." She instructs.

Murphy and Bellamy set the panther down, which was lying on a parachute.

"Who's hungry?!" Bellamy yells.

"One minute Clarke I'm gonna get some food for us. I want to stay with Jasper till he gets better so I'll bring some stuff and the boiled water." I announced. She nodded and I set of to get some water to boil.

After boiling the water I carefully carry it to Clarke, making sure not to scold myself. I take a seat next to Jasper and I help wipe off the blood and grime on his chest.

"He's stable for now, but he needs medicine." Clarke mutters as she helps.

"You've helped him as much as you can but for now we need to get some food before we die of starvation. I'll be back with food, and I'll get some for Jasper in case." I said, trying to comfort her.

"Ok I'll be out in a second to help you." Clarke said, smiling. I walked out and over to where the food was. I reached out to get some food but a hand grabbed me.

I looked up to see Bellamy. "Ah ah! You want food your gonna have to let me take off this wristband." Bellamy smirked.

"I would but Clarke's mom is up their and I would rather her not lose her mom because I joined in taking wristbands off. Also you can't make me bitch." I spat out, glaring at him

"Oh really princess. Why can't I make you?" Bellamy asked, looking amused.

"Whatever the hell we want. Isn't that right babes? Also I did save you from becoming the panthers dinner," I state smirking. "You gonna let me go now or do you want another right hook?" Bellamy's face dropped.

Bellamy released me, smirking. "Whatever the hell you want. I did say thanks for saving me though." He whispered. "See you around, Princess."

I grabbed 7 sticks of meat and made my way towards Clarke and Riley who were chatting and laughing.

"Here," I said, handing them a stick of meat. "I'm gonna give this to Finn and put one for Jasper, Octavia and Monty." I ran into the drop ship after and to Jasper.

"Hey Octavia, Monty. I got you guys food, cause Bellamy is being a dick and taking wristbands off for food." I explained.

"Oh god, you two arguing again." Octavia sighed, smirking.

"What's up with that face?" I asked her.

"Well, you two are more alike than you think. Reckless, Stubborn, the older sibling, protects family and sarcastic asses." She chuckles. I playfully slap Octavia.

"How dare you compare to that... egotistical, sociopath!" I chuckled.

"Egotistical?" Bellamy' voice sounded from behind me.

"God, your always behind me!" I scoff. Bellamy wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Ewww, not like that!" I said, picking up a pebble off the ground of the drop ship and throwing it at him. He dodged.

"Aggressive spanish princess." He smirked.

"You remembered that but not the right hook, or the fact that you told everyone I slept with you." I asked, rolling my eyes.

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