Chapter 36: Sparks of all kinds

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Finally the others had arrived at camp but they were all arguing and placing the blame on Jasper.

Sparks flew from the sky. The Sparks reminded me of when Raven had came down in a drop ship the only difference was this seemed to be hurtling down the the ground incredibly fast like a magnetic to metal.

Everyone else also seemed to notice, their eyes focuses on tot the object as it got closer to the ground, within a few seconds it had disappeared completely, only leaving behind a huge mushroom shaped smoke cloud.

Clarke looked horrified. It was only then I realised it was a drop ship and Clarke's mom would have most likely been on it.


"Clarke shouldn't be out here." Bellamy said. "Her mom was on the ship."

"She's looking for answers." I answered.

"How about you go and check on Octavia." Bellamy said making me roll my eyes.

"Fine. Carry on being a little bitch." I spat out.

"Your the one that said we shouldn't talk anymore." Bellamy said.

"I was drunk." I said in a bitchy tone.

"No you were lightly buzzed." He corrected, mimicking what she had said earlier on.

"You should know better than to believe a drunk person." I shot back, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. "God I hate you."

"Your hot when your mad." Bellamy smirked, moving closer as did I.

"Reyna." A voice called out. I turned around and made my way over to the person.

"Finn." I greeted. "Did you find anything?"

"No they're all dead as far as I can tell." He answered. "What about you?"

"The only thing I could find was a disturbingly hot Bellamy." I muttered making his eyes widen.

"No," Finn said, a slight smile playing on his lips. "That's disgusting."

"Just like your face." I shot back. "Now shut up and look."

I walked away and began to make my way around the charred crash site. The trees around us were completely burnt to a crisp.

"Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when." Bellamy ordered.

"Can you blame them?" Finn snapped, clearly still pissed about yesterday.

"No. I blame you," Bellamy said making Finn glare at him.

"Maybe if you guys didn't bring guns-"

"If we didn't bring guns we all would have been killed." I defended, making him roll his eyes.

"She's right." Raven deadpanned, continuing to crouch down and observe the site.

"Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore," Bellamy explained. "It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now."

"Well how about we continue looking for the damn box." I ordered, looking down at the ground for the black box of hard drives that Raven had requested.

"Clarke, stop!" Raven shouted, quickly running over to Clarke who was backing away from something.

A small group of us formed around Clarke to find her staring at a pink liquid dripping out of the machinery.

"Rocket fuel?" Clarke asked in confusion.

"Hydrazine," Raven corrects, leaning in and beginning to examine it. "It's highly unstable in its non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist."

Raven began to pick up a rock and shouted, "Fire in the hole!" She then chucked the rock into the liquid, making it explode.


Edited: No

I'm sorry for not updating, I've been on a long hiatus because I'm going into my final year of school and I've really been slacking off so these past years I'm slowly working my way back up to where I was. Thank you so much for supporting this story. 😘




Word count: 615

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