Chapter 17: Who Killed Wells Part 2

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"What do you mean? Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked, worriedly.

"No one," Octavia shakes her head. "We brought it straight here."

"So there's a murderer in camp." I said.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't new. We need to keep it quiet." Bellamy stated.

"Was that murderer part aimed at me?" I spat out, glaring at him.

"The lovebirds fighting already?" Riley asked.

"Shut up!" I shouted.

"Don't be like this Rey. There's no way you got rid of your humanity like that!" Bellamy said.

"You don't know me. You may know what I've been through but you have never felt my emotions now! Can we get back to the subject on hand?" I shouted.

Clarke makes her way towards the opening of the tent but Bellamy stands in front of it blocking her way.

"Get out of my way, Bellamy!" Clarke said.

"Be smart about this," Bellamy began. "Look at what we've achieved -The wall,the patrols. Whether you like it or not, thinking the grounders is good for us."

"Bellamy!" I scowled at him. "You want to keep the people afraid so they'll work for you? Is that it?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact it is. It's good for all of us. What would you even do anyway? Step out there and ask the killer to step forward? Ou don't even know whose the knife is." Bellamy stated.

"Bellamy Blake, listen up now! I'm not choosing sides. I don't agree with your method but if Clarke goes out there and tells people, it will cause a havoc." I explained.

"It clearly belongs to Murphy look!" She said pointing to his initials engraved in the dagger.

"Clarke be smart about this, you can't go out there and create a havoc." I said.

Before I could finish talking Clarke was already out of the tent. I let out a growl and ran out of the tent.

"CLARKE! GET HERE NOW!" I shouted, running to her. I dived on her, tackling her to the ground.

"Pick the right choice." I whispered. Then I got lifted into the air. I whipped my head round to find Bellamy.

"Eugh! It had to be you again," I said, pulling a disgusted face.

"Same here, princess." He chuckled. I smiled at him. I closed my eyes and felt myself go light headed.

The lack of sleep was effecting me more than I could imagine. I opened my eyes again to see Bellamy staring in confusion. I didn't realise I was still smiling the whole time.

"I don't feel too great," I said, woozily. Bellamy put me back down to the ground.

"I'm just gonna rest my eyes, okay?" I said chuckling. I closed my eyes and felt myself drop to the floor.

I opened my eyes to see Bellamy making his way over until the commotion had interrupted him.

I heard certain parts of it, as I listened closely.

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